Daryl Strawberry
Jim Rice
Chet Lemon
Chili Davis
Brian Berger 1
Billy Bean
Cookie Rojas
Candy Maldonado
Jeff Frye
Felix Pie
Gene Leek
Johnny Oates
Bobby & Robbie Wine
Albie Pear-son
Ken Berry
Damian Rolls
Chip-per Jones
Alex Cole (Slaw)
Peanuts Lowrey
Charlie Mayo
John (Cu)Cumberland
Kevin Saucier 2
Guido Grilli
Mark Lemongello
Rick Honeycutt
Steve Curry
Tom Butters
Pete Hamm
Laurin Pepper
Bob Veale 3
Colter Bean 4
(& Billy Bean-hitter)
Todd Coffey 5
Phil Coke 6
David (Ice Cream) Cone
Emiliano Fruto
Rocky Cherry
Doug (Eat Your) Brocail(i)? 7
The Raspberries
Juice Newton
Moby Grape
Hot Chocolate
Ultimate Spinach
Smashing Pumpkins
1. I suppose we could use Frank Reberger if there is ever an ALL-LEFTOVERS Team
2. Coulda had him on the ALL-ADJECTIVE Team I guess
3. Beats out Coot Veal
4. I guess we could include Billy Bean too but with both Colter and Billy aboard we can designate the nutritious yet expendable Billy
(MoneyBall) Beane for assignment. With that extra e he was always vulnerable to the itchy trigger finger of Misakman. Wishful Thinking Dept.: What an intriguing looking boxscore it would be if he closed games for Jose Lima.
5 Great thing he came along because we sorely needed another beverage to complement Bobby & Robbie Wine. So thankfully, we can shelve Juan Encarnacion's Instant Breakfast.
6. Our drink assortment just keeps getting better! After all, Jimmy Coker is already on the Substance Abuse team.
7. Well now we're really pushing the envelope. Starting to get silly.