Plain Ugly Baseball Cards
Tough-Guy Ugly Baseball (Mostly) Cards
Ill-Conceived Baseball Cards
Funny/Happy/Goofy Baseball Cards
Return of the Funny/Happy/Goofy Cards
Funny/Happy/Goofy Football Cards
Non-Intimidating Baseball Cards
Non-Intimidating Baseball Cards Part 2
The Bushy Brow Look Is In Baseball Cards
Plain Cool Baseball Cards
Plain Cool Baseball Cards Part 2
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I already used a great card from this Topps '71 Football set. That was Johhny Unitas back in Set#2. I find that this particular year has all the funniest football cards. Like Topps developed a sense of humor then quickly lost it. I gotta admit, I'm not a football guy but a baseball guy so I don't know these players (with the exception of Snow and Olsen who were pretty high profile). Ok, on with the show!

Tucker Fredrickson

Tucker is like, "Hey, looks like they got some rookie runningback running my plays over there while I'm stuck here getting this stupid picture taken!" Or maybe, "I think that creep in the stands just pinched my wife's ass. What's the big idea?" Anyway, something seems to be distracting our gridiron great.

Ken Iman

Hello Ken. KEN! KENNN! Don't hike that ball. There's no one behind you for miles. The game's over. Everyone's gone home. Chill, big guy.

Jack Snow

Jack is clearly having a ball. He's even flashing us a smile as he gallops along to another touchdown. Son J.T. Snow was a baseball star (100 RBI club guy) but more importantly, a member of the Misakman's All-Weather Team (See Misakman's All-Time Funny "Themed" Baseball Teams section).

Bob Anderson

Bob's doing a fancy jig for us. Zip-a-dee-do-dah Zip-a-dee-day!!!...

Kermit Alexander

Not to be outdone, Kermit is flashing one of his fancy dance moves.


Charlie Krueger

Charlie is having a ball watching the proceedings.


Dan Sullivan

Dan on the other hand doesn't seem amused. He's lamenting, "Aw Geez! The postgame spread will all be gone by the time this stinkin' photo-shoot is over. I betcha they won't even leave me any Spaghetti-O's. And they'll eat all the mini-hot dog pigs-in-a-blanket. Mommy only makes those on New Year's Eve. That's just poopy."


Merlin Olsen

Hey Merlin. MERLIN! MERLINNN! Down Boy! Don't attack the photgrapher. He's our friend. The game's over.

Merlin Olsen of course is more recognizable with the beard. That's how you've seen him on TV as actor (Little House On The Prairie and Father Murphy)/football commentator/pitchman - FTD Florists most notably.