Coco Crisp
Michael Young
Pedro Feliz (Navidad)
Rusty Greer & Rusty Staub
Dusty Baker & Dusty Rhodes
Smoky Burgess
Randy Ready
Butch Huskey
Greg Gross
Ted Savage
Doug Strange
Harry Bright
Bill Sharp
Rick Sweet
Adam Stern
Mark Little
Jamal Strong
Terrence & Dale Long
Damon & Ryan Minor
Johnny Pesky
Al Kaline!
Ron Fairly (Oops. An adverb)
J.J. Hardy & Chip Hale

Aaron Small
John Smiley
Evan Meek
Dave Elder
Chris Short
Mark Clear
Darcy Fast
Billy Swift
Karl Best
Bob Purkey
"Sandy" Koufax
Mac Scarce
Rick Wise
Ray Bare
Adrian & Joey Devine
Arnold Earley
Dick Such*
Derek Lowe (Low)
Johnny Sain (Sane)

"Average" "White" Band
Grateful Dead
Bobby Blue Bland
Maryanne Faithfull

*Capable of being both an adjective and an adverb, the versatile Dick Such no doubt was very helpful in getting Ron Fairly acclimated in the clubhouse.