Best Place to Buy One of Those Triangular Team

Al Spangler's Banners

Most Pleasantly Fragrant Fellow:
Ron Herbel

Borderline Hall-of-Famer Most Likely to Become So
Frustrated with the Voting Committee that He Vows
Vengenace and Turns to the Dark Side:

(Darth) Vada Pinson

Most Popular With Typists Everywhere:
Don Wert

Worst Grades In School:
Charlie Dees

Least Likely To Shoot You Dead:
Larvell Blanks

Closest to Being a Diet Soft Drink:
Pepi Frias

Closest to Being a Sparkling White Wine:
Ken & Bob Aspromonte

Most Whimsical:
Jamie Quirk

Least Likely to Become an Inanimate Object:
Robert Person

Most Studly:
Paul Casanova (& Raul-more recent catcher than Paul)

Most Self-Congratulatory:
Angel Bravo/Darren Bragg/Glenn Braggs

Honorable Mention:
Curtis Pride and Todd Self