How 'bout Chicago Cubs flamethrower Kerry Wood and Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst? Kerry Wood, N.L. Rookie Of The Year in '98, also struck out 20 Astros in a game that year. Whoa! He won't get the opportunity to stay in any games long enough to do that anymore though since he's a closer now. That transition from starting pitcher to dominating closer isn't as easy as it seems. Ask Schilling. He once gave closing a go for a short while to help the BoSox out and it was no walk in the park for him. But Eckersley did it and Shmoltz did it too with excellent results so it can be done. I still get Limp Bizkit mixed up with Linkin Park which I then confuse with South Park which is a cartoon show and not even a frigging band (See Misakman's Famous People Easy To Confuse section). Anyway, I don't mind so-called nu-metal, kinda funky rock with some rap elements, since I'm a definite old-school funkateer (See Misakman's Greatest Songs Of All Time). The composition of that list will certainly bear that out!