Word Mojo is undoubtedly my favorite game of all time. It's easily downloadable on the web in a variety of places (just google it). I can spend hours upon hours trying to top my high score. I have no clue as to what most of the words in this list mean and I really don't care. I mean as long as Mojo accepts it, then So What! Most of these words can't even be found in a dictionary if you can believe it. This of course spoils it for you when you try to play scrabble with your family and friends since in that game it's right there in the rules that the words you spell with your tiles must be in the dictionary.
I have personally used every word listed here while playing Word Mojo. It's not by any means an exhaustive complete glossary since it only includes words I have stumbled upon which I happen to think are unfamiliar and exotic. A definite work in progress, I will add to it constantly as I run into more words. Since I play just about every day like an addict or something, the list should swell bigger and bigger and become even more helpful! Word Mojo is certainly more fun than the gym, I'll tell you that. Don't be like me and start playing so much you start neglecting your physical fitness as a result of this challenging game but do have fun. And if you utilize your newfound treasure trove of curious Mojo vocabulary words courtesy of the Miskman, there's no telling how high your score can go!
Please note: If I didn't include the word also as a plural or with a suffix like -ed or -ing, it doesn't mean you can't. It just may be that I haven't tried it yet in a game situation.
In Alphabetical Order: