Adventures With Supersleuth Sherman Holmes
Herein lies the
sweeping saga of my time spent with the amazing supersleuth Sherman
Holmes, the
great-great nephew to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s supposedly fictional
Sherlock Holmes. Stung by the sluggish sales and less than stellar
reviews of his recent self-penned account of several of his most
celebrated cases, the crime-solving savant solicited me to create a
surefire superseller for his subsequent effort.
He had snail
mailed me a
missive entreating, “It would be my singular pleasure to secure the
services of the esteemed Misakman to pen a whole slew of suspenseful
ready-to-tell adventures. Since I gather from your latest sit-down
interviews with Howard Stern on Sirius Satellite and Steven Colbert
on the Late Show you have yet to select a suitable subject for your
Letter S passage, may I suggest yours truly.”
I responded
swiftly stating
that I shared his enthusiasm and thought it a splendid idea which so
stimulated my imagination that I sought to have a serious discussion
posthaste. He sent for me from the States booking me a seat on the
next British Airways 747 to England and then a shuttle to convey me
speedily to Baker Street.
When we met
he was still
smarting from the scathing criticism slung his way re his
shortcomings as a storyteller. Said one snarky critic, “The
superintellectual Holmes should stick to sleuthing and shouldn’t
subject us to anymore soporific snoozers.” Snickered another, “A
slopwork of a storybook by a skillless hack. It is such a stultifying
borefest I can scarcely read a single page without falling into a
slumber. Leave your sleeping pills on the shelf. Indeed if
somnifacient drugs didn’t put the sandman out of circulation this
surely will.” Yet another snorted, “At least a shoutout is due in
that the book looks spiffy in its stylish serif font and is free of
solecisms, errors in syntax, and overuse of annoying semicolons. Yet
overall, our sophisticated friend has offered up a striking example
of suckiness beyond the pale.”
At our
meeting I found
satisfactory his proposal on how to split royalties if the new book
sold well. Furthermore, shaken up as he was from the shellacking he’d
sustained from those sour-tounged cranks, he happily surrendered all
the writing duties saying, “It is my solemn wish that you shoulder
that responsibility and be my faithful scribe, but there’s a slight
catch.” Sheepishly he continued, “I haven’t been altogether
straightforward and it’s time to spill the beans. The skinny of it
is that I have nothing new to speak of yet, but… (now pointing to a
slipcase on his desk filled with A Study In Scarlet, Adventure Of The
Speckled Band, and other thrillers)… a book of tales as superb as
these all steeped in complexity and simmering with intrigue is near I
swear. I just need someone to be my assistant, that’s you Misakman,
to go scurrying around the globe with me and chronicle as I search,
investigate, sniff for clues and solve my next superexciting cases. I
feel it’s firsthand not secondhand accounts that sparkle and make
books sell.
You see
Misakman, my usual
sidekick Dr. Sebastian Watson … (yes, he was somehow related to
Sherlock’s famous simpatico with that very surname)…well the old
sawbones is a scratch. He’s apparently swamped with patients and
too busy wielding his scalpel and applying sutures and whatnot and
says he can’t accompany me even for a brief spell.
Watson had
rebuked me sternly,
‘Look Holmes, I must be sensible and smarten up and not put my
career as a surgeon, for which I have had much seriously expensive
schooling, at a standstill once again to go snooping around with you.
Smug with the silly notion you were the next Mickey Spillane you
heeded me not a smidgen when I strove to convince you to let me write
the last series of adventures. Sadly yet predictably the critics
savaged your woefully subpar tome. When I squarely and honestly
admonished you that your writing style was too scholarly and stuffy
you took it as a slight and swore I didn’t know squat. You’ve
shot the whole works, our whole stock of heart-stopping sizzling
tales now lying squandered in that soulless sterile stinker.
I cannot
with a straight face
tell my employer I need another sabbatical or I must again lend
succor to a despondent and sickly relative somewhere far away
sloughing off yet again my responsibilities on my fellow staff
members when we’re spread so thin already. Just today I did a heart
stent procedure then a sacroiliac joint fusion, and for both I was
the sole soul available.’”
I admitted I was somewhat
startled by this bit of subterfuge but Holmes countered, “It was a
tad snaky not disclosing the substantial time commitment involved,
but I can’t stress how much I need your support with Watson
dumping me so suddenly. With the utmost sincerity do I claim that
every Miskman story is a seriocomic jewel and that you’ve sparked a
whole alliteration subgenre of humor. Yea even the ruthless
subindustry of sharks they call book critics have stood up and
saluted your artistry.” After he gave a verbal synopsis of what was
in store, I was satisfied the prospects for a hit book were
stupendous and so what follows is my supercool even surreal journey
with the ever surprising Mr. Sherman Holmes.
Our lead was
supplied by
Holmes’ client, one Lord Summersby, head of a consortium of
superwealthy shipping magnates who were steamed that the heads of
state and influential solons around the globe were shrugging off the
sobering reality of a bad situation. Lord Summersby had sullenly
written Holmes, “These spineless twits won’t schedule even a few
seconds at their summits to discuss this sinister scourge, a sea
monster, yes a semihistorical legend come to life. They dismiss
well-substantiated accounts as merely speculative even
sensationalized. Therefore we will sponsor our own superthorough
investigation. At your disposal will be my spacious aircraft helmed
by Sparky, my personal superpilot.”
Next thing
we were off to
Sydney, Australia to meet one Simon Smythe, a rare survivor of an
attack. Holmes explained, “The beast is solely responsible for
countless shipwrecks, scores of dead sailors, and much loss of
shipborne goods. Many a hardy swab and old salt have met a sorry fate
to this savage menace, and with replacements skittish about shoving
off, crews are shorthanded. With all the sunken ships, the
shipwrights are reluctant to send any craft down the shipway. Why
even seasoned tars are spooked and bringing their seagoing vessels
ashore sending them up the slipway and into storage.
monster’s sphere of
activity is the Pacific with reports surfacing from as far down as
Singapore and Sumatra, then up past Southeast Asia, on past China
where it recently swallowed up sixteen seamen and sank a schooner off
Shanghai, and finally up near South Korea.”
When we sat
down with our man
at his Smitty’s Seaside Bar & Grill, Holmes asked him to
succinctly explain how he’d survived his ordeal. The very sociable
Smitty, not one to skim over details or give a short take, recreated
his seafaring odyssey, the whole shebang, including his close shave
with death…...
Well sonny
boys, I’d already
shut off my open sign here and was scraping the grease off of my
grill while a few stragglers finished eating when Squinty Stede
himself, one of the surliest most sadistic pirates ever lived
appears! My patrons scram and I’m alone stupefied and stuttering
and stammering I tell him, “Sorry we’re c-c-c-closed but the
saloon across the street serves up grub along with steins a flowing
with beer all n-n-n-night long.” He snarls back, “Cease your
senseless jabber you stupid swine and scare me up a sausage and
spinach omelet before I slit your scrawny neck!” After that none
too auspicious salutation I weren’t about to sass this sourpuss so
I grab my spatula, put on a smiley face, and do up one savory omelet
with sides of hash browns and a few slices o’ toast with strawberry
marmalade spread to boot and a cup of my celebrated slow-roasted
stealthy corsair always
seemed to have a secret cove somewheres near every seaport district
where he could make a stopover slipping in and out at will while
picking up supplies. Yet the showman within couldn’t resist
permitting periodic sightings of him to cause a stir. Those
customers skedaddling allowed the rumor he’d been slain in a recent
skirmish off the coast of Spain to be squashed by morn.
When done
eating he saunters
closer crowing, “Lucky sod your culinary skills meet me
satisfaction and are required aboard me vessel the Sadie Sue. Me last
cook the old sot got himself sozzled and stumbled overboard in his
drunken stupor as we were scudding along over by Samoa. Aye it was a
stormy night, the wind a squalling and the waves a swashing, and
weren’t no way of seeing or hearing him splashing into the water
and being swept away. We wuz expecting his usual slop next morn but
something was amiss, not a sound from the kitchen. Damn shame it
gears he goes, “Aye
I can spruce up me own quarters with some of your stuff hereabouts,”
and grabs my favorite saltshaker shaped like a starfish , my seashell
ashtrays, and a ceramic sauceboat and just tosses ‘em in his
satchel probably breaking ‘em into shards anyway. Not done
stealing, he takes a bunch of my soupspoons then points to the stool
he’d been sitting on and remarks, “Much softer and swivels better
‘n mine,” and strong as he is he don’t need a screwdriver but
just uproots it and slings it over his shoulder. Next he signals a
stocky even more sinewy pirate was standing outside who grabs me by
the scruff of my neck almost strangling me, puts a sock in my mouth,
and stuffs me in a sack.
Once we’re
seaward they dump
me so I slam headfirst onto the deck making me like semiconscious.
They ungag me which is supernice since I was practically suffocating
and while I’m all sprawled out there I shook off the cobwebs enough
to hear Stede singing my praises, “Softy landlubber likely don’t
know the difference between a sheepshank and a slipknot or between
sculling and rowing or what a sextant does but Hail Smitty!...The
Sage Of The Skillet, The Sultan Of The Saucepan!” With the crew
shouting and slapping me on the back I took solace in being a
celebrity though I’d been shanghaied by pirates, stolen away
without consent. For them life was one big shindig until that
superdiabolical leviathan done spoiled their fun. By the way he was
spot on about my not having sailed much. Been on my friend’s
spinnaker, an 18 ft. skiff class, a few times. An avid seaman, he
also brought me sailboarding once where I did okay using a good swift
slalom board equipped beauty.
Though my
new shipmates was
soft toward me cuz I kept their bellies sated, they was sure enough
spiteful marauders, semicivilized brutes all who slew without mercy.
When they couldn’t find a ship to loot of its seaborne cargo they’d
land and sack whole villages shamelessly swiping anything of value.
They’d be waving scimitars, cutlasses, machetes, a few even
sporting smoothbore pistols while pillaging.
At one
village this shopkeeper
was a squawking about them plundering his stockroom. Next thing a
staccato blast and yuk, you had blood and brains splattered all over
like spaghetti with sauce. Another time someplace else this scrappy
fiery preacher was a scolding them while up on his soapbox imploring,
“Cease this sordid mayhem, ye unrepentant scoundrels and
sybarites!” Unimpressed with his sermon, they stripped him down to
his skivvies and hung the Jolly Roger up on the spire of the steeple
of his church then looted his little sacristy. Then one of my scurvy
mates, found the fellow too sanctimonious and superpious for his
tastes I guess, reached for his scabbard intending to slay him.
But didn’t
Stede all of a
sudden step in. Now he held to the superstition that it was sacrilege
to shed a holy man’s blood ... he still saw fit to rob shrines etc.
though! ….and like the Grim Reaper with his scythe …or is it a
sickle I dunno…and don’t he with one swoosh of his famous sword,
ah with its superfine blade and ornate scrollwork, sever the mates
head off!
The preacher
goes, “Son, I
sense a spark of goodness yea selflessness in ye saving my neck as
you did. Embrace the sacred over the profane and tip the scales of
judgment toward salvation over damnation that thou shalt be blessed .
Slink not back into sinfulness. I have escaped with nary a snick upon
my skin nor a stain of blood upon my surplice thanks to you yet I am
sorrowful blood was spilt on my account.”
replied, “Sakes alive,
the semidomesticated oaf knew me standing orders to not harm saintly
type fellows. That was fine speechifying good shepherd but Aye!...the
sirens relentless seductresses they be do beckon me seawards to
resume my seamy life of swordplay and debauchery. The shackles of a
life settling down and landubbering don’t suit me, it being like
sleepwalking through life. I’m not the servile type to be beholden
to a gold-striped admiral or rich as Solomon merchant or superior
acting fool. The time is nigh to sail and feel the light sting of
spindrift upon me face. A buccaneer’s life of skullduggery and
shenanigans awaits, savvy? Farewell!”
after this we were near
Saipan. We had a shipload of booty from many a successful sortie
aboard. Stede and his top men had scouted around and located a few
seemingly deserted isles to stash it all for safekeeping but hadn’t
made a selection yet. Being more a cook than a sailorman I weren’t
privy to the necessary sort of info, lats and longs and suchlike, to
pinpoint where the giant serpent done smote everyone save me that
day. I outta set out with a soothsayer or psychic someday to help me
find the swag around those parts. Anyways, was after sundown, a foggy
and dimly starlit night, and I was down the stairs beyond the galley
in the storeroom doing stockkeeping duties checking if I had enough
salt pork, spices, and whatnot for the morrow.
Mind you it squares me with my
upbringing not to be stargazing or smoking my ciggies or scrimshawing
or stringing together another shellwork necklace till all my
shipboard duties was done. My sweet old mama always warned, “Don’t
be skipping your chores or I get my switch or Pa’s strop and
commence to swinging.” Aye she was a scullery maid as a lass and
fled that life of subminimum wages and endless soapsuds drudgery in
the city to elope with her sweetheart my country boy sodbuster Pa.
His farm weren’t for slackers though, always crops to be sown, soil
to be tilled, seedbeds to prepare, and sundry other chores…yeah
mixing the sod with the sphagnum peat moss was another. He put down
stakes up near Alice Springs, wild Northern Territory which ain’t
been granted statehood just yet.
Yep, she’d be out there, a
supermom I tell ya, with her sunbonnet on slaving away with me and
Pa. I did my part with the spade there but we had a fine sorrel
draughthorse all stalwart and steadfast and my main job was to keep
him smooth, shiny and fed. Pa had a still out back to make homemade
shine too and Shoot!...Seagram’s folks had nothing on Pa’s smoky
brew…but I’m getting sidetracked here…
Now that
night was spooky with
the weather being serene and calm yet the sturdy Sadie Sue kinda
creaking and shaking. I hurry on up the staircase to share my
suspicions and find Sullivan the steersman. I blurt out, “Sully I
smell danger. Perhaps a sperm whale is stalking us or a sneaky
tsunami is imminent.” He sneeringly barks, “Everything is swell.
Quit spending your time spouting nonsense. With suppertime done go
figure what you’ll be serving for breakfast then dream of lucky
shamrocks and shapely ladies.”
Then from a
bit starboard I
make out Stede who cautions, “Shhhh! Silence!” Now he had
superhuman sensory perception and from the seriousness of his tone
though things was sketchy, you knew the old seadog hadn’t shushed
us for no reason. Heck, he’d just peak at the sky and could tell
to the second the time of day then say, “Ah, the sundial, the Swiss
watch, all superfluous.”
Just then
with the suddenness of
a steak of lightning the sly monster sprang up from the lower depths
of the seabed and before Captain Stede could remove his saber from
its sheath the beast skewered him clean through his stomach and out
his back with one of its spiked claws. Then with one of its squiggly
tentacles it grabbed poor Sully and squeezed him until his guts came
spurting out. I recall him swatting at it with his shillelagh saucily
mocking it, “Well shiver me timbers an overgrown salamander!” and
yelling copious swearwords, but I couldn’t save him or the Cap it
had struck so quickly.
Though I was
stunned and all
supertense me thoughts did turn to getting at the shipwide com by the
stairway. But then didn’t the beast start making these shrill
ear-splitting noises worse than a shrieking banshee. I still suffer
from hearing loss like I got stopples in my ears from that. I gotta
blast my old Sony stereo at like 10 now to hear my Frank Sinatra.
Well with that the crew come spilling out on deck anyway but the
hellion starts spewing fire making shishkebab out of ‘em. Meanwhile
it’s smashing everything to smithereens and we got debris shooting
around like shrapnel. Then it slams down with its ultimate
sledgehammer move and Socko! as if hit by shellfire the front part I
was on was sawn off and separated from the rest of the Sadie Sue. I
then notice struggling in the water a ways sternward this scuzzball
A shiftless
slouch always
shirking his duties, no one spake well of him especially the
stouthearted men who had to pick up the slack for him. Aye one day he
snuck back in line aiming for seconds of my stew and when I told him
to scoot and put the lid back on my saucepot he blew his stack and
socked me leaving a shiner. Early on before I got my sealegs I was
feeling so-so so Stede suggested once, “Smitty, you’re outta
sorts today and not your sprightly self. I can take Skinner off from
swabbing the deck to help you slap together our meal.” I told him,
“Captain, I’m only slightly seasick and feeling stronger by the
minute. I prefer working solo so no sweat we’ll be all supping on
time. Besides, Skinner loves to scour away getting things spic and
Now I was in
good stead with
the skip especially considering the sludge the old cook used to serve
up so he replied, “Aye Smitty you’re a standup guy but if I
notice you all swoony and a losing your stamina then I’ll take
Skinner off standby to help.” Well Skinner that slothful slug felt
snubbed and wanted off the more strenuous sweaty labor. Soreheadedly
he scowled and sniped at me, “You’re my sworn enemy now and I’m
gonna shiv you one day you lowly squib.”
regardless of past
squabbles I woulda saved him if possible but there wasn’t a sliver
of a chance with the waters swirling against me. Then don’t the
beast just snag him outta the water and Scrunch! …Skinner was
dinner! Next it goes soaring off without snarfing me down too. I’m
like what a scatterbrain it is but then don’t it shoot me a look
slantways, a steely glare but kinda sarcastic like I was one of them
nuisance bony scup fish anglers scoff at and throw back when they’re
saltwater fishing. Actually I was quite the well-sculpted specimen
way back. In my salad days I was a sweeper for a semipro soccer team
before my shin splints made me quit.
Anyway, all
stranded now I
squinched myself onto a big broken off slab of wood and a few days
later I was spotted by some scuba divers. Lucky for me since I lacked
sustenance from the outset and was facing starvation, suffering from
sunstroke, and sapped of any energy all limp like a spindly
scarecrow. Later I called my beloved spouse the wonderful Sophie,
told her about my ordeal and survival and that I was of sound mind
and fairly stable health. Sophie straightaway went supplicating to
our fine statesmen reminding them, “My Smitty can’t just swim
back so someway, maybe via navy submarine, please help!”
One of the
swellheaded satraps
snidely boasted, “Soon as he arrives he’ll either get a stiff
sentence or be hung from the scaffold for piracy.” Now Sophie, a
na�ve schoolgirl she ain’t, shrewdly sidestepped them and found a
certain somebody gonna be more sympathetic, the Prime Minister
himself, Yes Siree! Now there’s synchronicity for you! He was the
friend who took me on those sailing trips before my stint with Stede.
Ever since he was a mere sapling of a boy, the P.M. would swing by
Smitty’s for my shrimp on the barbie and my vegemite sandwich. With
consummate statecraft he succeeded in superseding all those
scumbuckets wouldn’t help Sophie proclaiming, “Old Smitty is a
superpatriotic citizen and shan’t be stigmatized as an outlaw of
the high seas having been kidnapped by that sociopath Squinty Stede.”
Smitty then
grabbed a
sketchbook he had and scribbled a charcoal drawing of the serpentine
terror explaining, “The image of that scary miscreation, the spawn
of Satan, is seared into my cerebrum. But I believe you, Sherman
Holmes the sagacious sleuthhound, can crack this supermystery!”
He confided,
“I’m really a
subdued dude, not one to shill for publicity and turn my life into a
sideshow you know. I pretty much skirt the press like when a reporter
showed up here yesterday I shooed her away. I savor living near the
seafront here with my Sophie, the sweetest wife ever unless like a
stupe I forget what a stickler she is about hygiene. Yep, before I
added more seating I had a buffet type setup here and once when I was
dropping off the succotash I stuck my head under one of them
sneezeguards. With me having this shock of hair and not wearing my
snood …Whoa! She chucked her poultry shears at me…and I still got
the nasty slantwise scar I’m hiding under my shirt to prove it!
Anyway, I sincerely hope you find a solution to this case.”
smiled, “Indeed! But
now it’s skyward and onward to the Tshushima Strait in Japan, The
Land Of The Rising Sun. From there we go by seaplane to a tiny speck
of an island per Lord Summersby and the shipowner types who hired us
to meet one Sadaharu the only other to survive an attack. Farewell!”
eventually found Sadaharu’s
shack in a remote fishing village where the spry septuagenarian
insisted on firing up his spit outside (stoves, who needs ‘em?) and
sizzled up some swordfish along with a type of mottled skate
fish and happily served up sizeable portions. Translating was a smart
sprite of six who spoke English of whom Sadaharu bragged, “My
grandson, he was the schoolhouse spelldown champion and always drinks
his soymilk!” He told us that on special occasions he sometimes
prepared raw sashimi but luckily for squeamish me, different seafood
was on the menu. Yeah, I’m a scaredy –cat about sushi all raw and
squishy, especially since I once tried sturgeon roe or maybe it was
shad roe on a cruise ship and wound up in sickbay.
Sadaharu’s scrumptious
sapid fare trumped not just the smallmouth bass I used to catch
(using smelts that’s the trick) and sockeye salmon from anywhere
but even Mom’s Boston Baked scrod (i.e. Eastern Seaboard codfish).
As we scarfed down the meal and drank his tasty saki brew he related
his swashbuckling adventure with the prodigious saurian wonder……
I was out
alone on a simple
fishing trip far from shore when I felt a surge rocking my tiny
sampan, very strange since the weather was nice and sunny, the air
mostly still and calm. Then just ahead was a frightful sight, a
slithery monster of immense size and strength savagely thrashing and
stomping away sinking a large sailboat. With its scissor-like claws
and razor sharp tail it reduced the craft to splinters in like an
instant. Red eyes smoldering, it was shredding men to pieces with its
sawtooth fangs. One man was swimming toward me with a look of sheer
terror. I steered toward the stranger thinking, “This is suicide
but to sneak off just to stay alive is to be a shameful coward, an
even sorrier fate.”
Next after
the beast had sprung
up into the air, its wings spanning the horizon, it came swooping
down again scalding him with a stream of fire breath. It snatched up
the burnt and screaming man then let out a horrid screech and came
speeding towards me! Our eyes locked in a staredown but there was no
standdown on my end as I refused to submit to fear, stayed focused,
and instinctively grabbed my sword….after all, according to ancient
scrolls I have ancestors who were samurai for many a shogunate. He
had scales like steel plates which formed a superthick protective
shield and had many tentacles not only serrated like the snout of a
sawfish but equipped with suction cups like those of a squid. When he
swung a tentacle at me the boat got like superglued to a cup taking
me perhaps seventy feet in the air.
I stabbed it
repeatedly but my
swordsmanship was for naught against his stony covering. I looked to
strike a sensitive area but the boat was swaying too much while
suspended in the air for me to maintain a steady view or aim anyhow.
I was about to be his supper when Splash!...it unceremoniously dumped
me to go after a school of snapper fish nearby. While he began
scooping them up and shoveling them in his mouth, I seized upon this
startling stroke of luck, my new status as a lousy second rate snack,
and swam shorewards…sidestroke to conserve energy. Though my boat
was smashed to bits, I was thankful I had been spared by the gods,
granted safety from certain death.
Upon being
shown Smitty’s
sketch, Sadaharu shuddered a bit then offered, “Sensational job.
Superaccurate. Godzilla on steroids.” Holmes beamed, “Sayonara
Sadahuru and thank you!” then after commending the little sport for
staying so focused, speaking so well, and not getting squirrelly and
restless during our session, he informed me, “Misakman, it’s off
to Saporro to the splendiferous estate of one Madam Saito, a soever
resourceful friend with scads of contacts who can help us locate my
prime suspect in this affair. After soaking up every last scrap of
info, sorting it all out, and scrutinizing every last scintilla of it
much like Morley Safer of Sixty Minutes would, I am supremely
confident I know who the sicko is that is working behind the scenes
siccing this superabominable monster on the world.”
Once we took
to the skies,
Holmes confided, “In my youth my studies brought me to spellbinding
fascinating Japan for a semester. I met Madam Saito serendipitously
at a museum exhibit showcasing the exquisite sculpture and stoneware
pottery --intact not in sherds!--of ancient Sparta and Greece. I’d
gone stag but then the sublimely beautiful Madam Saito resplendent in
her strapless sundress struck up a conversation with me. A steamy
affair ensued, a summertime romance in which I was a crazed satyr
sowing my wild oats satisfying my sensual desires with my sultry
lovemaking mentor, my senior by a score and ten years more or less.
And never mind the Kama Sutra she could have written the sequel.”
Holmes then
pulled out an old
sepia-toned photo of a strikingly elegant supermodel beautiful young
Madam Saito in a spangly gown. Poised at a stairhead she appeared
goddess-like perhaps semidivine with a mysterious sphinxlike air.
When I commented on her staid almost standoffish expression Holmes
barely stifling his laughter reminisced, “She was in a snit after
the clumsy sommelier at this particular event spilled a glass of
Cabernet Sauvignon on her fur stole. Later she was the first
socialite to strongly advocate the use of more humane synthetic faux
fur as a substitute for sealskin, sable, and stoat etc.
superconfident go-getter she
became the premier shot caller of the underground business scene in
the Pacific. Yet upon the completion of my schoolwork she was
sobbing, ‘I’m not the superromantic type prone to saccharine
sappy sentimentality but it saddens me my young stallion that our
season of love is over. May the fates shower favor upon you, keep you
from sickness, and arrange that sometime in the future we reunite.’
I’ve always been skeptical of this idea of the scheming fates, yet
surprisingly it’s the selfsame Madam Saito whom we now seek. Indeed
she’s a supersophisticated businesswoman with a staggeringly huge
web of contacts from every stratum of society whose interests cover a
wide scope of activity. She knows all the movers and shakers in the
Orient from the scrupulous to the shady, from the superheavyweights
to the small timers. I don’t believe it’s a stretch to suppose
that one of her sources can get us closer to one Dr. Smedley C.
Now a while
back the Baker St.
Sentinel to which I subscribe ran a headline concerning this
suspicious character which stated, ‘Famous Scientist S.C. Shockley
Lost In Snowstorm’ with a subheading, ‘Avid shutterbug was at Mt.
Shasta hoping for a snapshot of the elusive Sasquatch’. The local
sheriff issued a statement which explained, ‘While roaming the
sierra my searchers found at the base of a slope along some sagebrush
terrain a pair of snowshoes and a scarf belonging to Shockley but no
body.’ Yet the next day a few sightseers doing some shopping at one
of the souvenir stores there noticed a slovenly man wearing dark
sunglasses and a sunhat who definitely bore a similarity to Shockley
as he stole a Schwinn bicycle and rode off into the sunset. I feel
Shockley, a hardy survivalist and not your stereotypical lab rat, did
not shuffle off this mortal coil that snowy day but took shelter in
perhaps a cave and after the snowfall had subsided emerged from his
sanctuary very much alive.
I venture
that he staged his
disappearance, a mere smoke screen allowing him to surreptitiously
relocate quickly and go about setting up shop far away to attempt to
shroud in greater secrecy his controversial research. Back in his
native Somerset, England the locals, scared even panic-stricken that
shuddersome breeding experiments were afoot, made enough of a stink
that official scrutiny was in the offing. This after a local angler
by the shoals witnessed a mutant sego lily type of flower in a sedge
marsh as it snapped up a swallowtail butterfly whole!
Consider his
talk at a
symposium in Stuttgart a few summers ago when things went sideways
according to a snippet from the Spectator for which I also have a
subscription. He claimed there that he had shreds of DNA from an
ancient stegosaurus and Scylla the sea monster of Greek myth and
through cutting edge gene splicing and cloning sorcery could create a
sui generis, a new monster.
A shocked
colleague scorned
him, ‘You are a sick man with semiformed ideas and lack the
scruples to reconsider your scattershot methods and shaky ethics!’
Another cried, ‘Curb your swollen ego and permanently shelve these
screwball ambitions!’ (Author’s note…my grasp of Sigmund Freud
is spotty but why is it never ‘Curb your superego’?) Seething at
being spurned by his peers, Smedley fumed, ‘You couple of stodgy
fools, yellow-bellied sapsuckers, yea sniveling cowards married to
your schoolbooks who lack the scrotum to strive to make new strides
in knowledge. To all now, keep stinging me with petty slander you
mindless scorpions. Know that you will be shamefaced over your
shortsightedness when my creature storms forth to smite you. I alone
possess the sine qua non, a bold sureness of purpose that makes me a
shining trailblazer while you standpatters just follow in my
slipstream later.’
This angry
screed signifies
that revengeful spite is what spurs him on. It’s not spoils since
during the spate of attacks salvage crews have swum to the depths and
had great success retrieving cargo. But now if Shockley has
sequestered himself on some secluded outpost we can assume he’s
gone the sub rosa route re getting supply shipments and is utilizing
the shadowy underworld of smugglers. This is where our streetwise
benefactor Madam Saito, embedded in the subculture as she is, can
help us in spades. By merely sifting through her Rolodex, making some
calls, and stoking the gossip mill, she’ll eventually find out who
the supplier is and where he is schlepping everything.
One could
easily fill a
scrapbook with the many significant discoveries made by the
superachiever Smedley C. Shockley during his storied career. He
developed synfuels for a shale oil company and cutting edge software
for Silicon Valley moguls. He helped Cedars Sinai in their research
to cure shingles, spina bifida, sarcoma, and multiple sclerosis. He
perfected an artificial sweetener they later named Smedulose which
was sweeter than sorbitol, sucralose, and stevia etc. and which was
nicely soluble in coffee. The originator, a sorely desperate food
giant unable to eliminate the side effects had summoned him. Lab rats
were exhibiting stunted growth and what sexologists would term
sadomasochistic tendencies while producing stillborn offspring before
Smedley fixed all.
He even
proved how salacious
and erotic subliminal messages could cause stiffies among men and
conversely how by adding saltpeter to your scrambled eggs one could
suppress the libido. But then one day while walking past the sandlots
he was severely hurt in the noggin by an errant softball and with his
serotonin levels now screwed up he began exhibiting subhuman
tendencies, unable to stay his wrath.”
Not only was
Madam Saito’s
wealth in the stratosphere so was her stately mansion situated as it
was at the summit of a lofty cliff, a former military strongpoint
actually, with an amazing seascape view. Inside, her great knack for
feng shui and keen spatial awareness lent her home a cozy ski lodge
vibe, amazing since this veritable showplace had maybe sevenfold the
square footage of the White House!
At the
reunion she was in
seventh heaven and the normally stoic Holmes was noticeably sanguine
as well. She was still a very sexy superchic gal and no spinster, a
true stunner in a flowery silk kimono with golden sash studded with
gems. I later asked if she would mind sharing her secrets on how she
kept herself in shape exuding such sensuality at her age. She
responded, “Well my satiny complexion is not due to sandblasting my
face or undergoing plastic surgery but is from using a supereffective
cream with sunflower oil and sassafras in it and always having
cinnamon bar soap at the sink and bath. I also spend hours on the
Soloflex, follow the Scarsdale diet to avoid the dreaded saddlebag
thighs and cellulite, and seldom cheat on sweets.”
that we poor souls
must be starved, she prepared for us a yummy sesame soy chicken with
crispy fried shallots and also sukiyaki with shiitake mushrooms all
of which perfectly satiated us while we sipped an exotic soothing
seaweed tea with a touch of spearmint. Sashaying about quite
seductively, she sidled up to Holmes and propositioned her former
studmuffin whether he was game for a spirited romp between the
sheets. Alas her ex-student demurred explaining there wasn’t time
to socialize never mind get shagadelic and quickly summarized our
case and the superimportant reason for our coming.
Shifting now
into superserious
business mode and psyched to be of service she made like a sextillion
phone calls within the space of an hour then summed it up for us,
“According to the scuttlebutt, at the southernmost tip of New
Zealand and even beyond Stewart Island is another island the seal
hunters know about but the mapmakers pay scant attention to. The
bartender at Seiji’s Shipside Bar informed me, ‘Scout’s honor
Madam Saito…a guy sits down at the bar, he’s slugging down a
Smirnoff’s on the rocks, claims he’d brought scientific equipment
including serums and syringes and lab smocks there. He told me, ‘The
island has a spit where a Dr. Strangelove kinda guy…remember the
Peter Sellers movie from ’64, the cold war sendup directed by
Stanley Kubrick?... well he’s building a landing strip on it but so
obsessed is he with his secretive experiments that progress is
sporadic and it’s still only shuffleboard court length so he’s
dependent on my sealifts if you will.’”
Madam Saito
continued, “At
the shoreline he was met by a sleepy-eyed galoot built like a sequoia
redwood.” Holmes cried, “Yes! Salvatore ‘Spats’ Santini, born
in Capistrano home of the swallows. ‘Sal’ later moved to Sicily
where he became a stoneherted mob enforcer. A standout performer, he
was later dispatched to San Francisco where he eliminated with his
signiature semiautomatic pistol with silencer whatever rivals
specified by the crime syndicate he represented. But he tired of the
sickening violent life of a Mafia soldier and made a career
switcheroo to become Smedley’s assistant, his loyal squire,
entrusted with a wide spectrum of duties. Smashing job Madam Saito!
But time I stopped babbling like an excited schoolboy. Continue!”
She went on,
“Well Smedley
spuriously claimed that certain of the superquality goods were shoddy
and that the spoilage rate on the foodstuffs was significantly higher
than expected and shortchanged the visitor by figuring in a steep
discount for the alleged screwups. The man explained, ‘Hey, I’m
no sap prone to being swindled but there was no breaking the
stalemate with this skinflint, and that simian lug of his was just
itching for a scrum. I’d shoehorned in his appointment before
important stops I had yet to make so I settled for like a sixth of
what had been stipulated and sped off. I got stiffed there but it’s
a supercompetitive business and I couldn’t have my rep sullied like
I’m a slowpoke sloppy about punctuality with my five star clients
on account of this stingy sleazebag.’ My bartender friend
concluded, ‘Word spreads fast so good luck to that shifty egghead
finding another of these independent sailormen gonna risk getting
marveled, “You are
worthy of sainthood for so skillfully assisting us locating this
serial mass murderer.” He then strode purposefully to the door and
sighingly bemoaned, “It is with great sorrow that I inform you we
must sacrifice our comfort and end our sojourn here to continue
southward for our inevitable showdown with Smedley. Madam Saito, you
sweetness is my weakness as soulster Barry White he of the silky
baritone once so sensuously crooned. We ought to be spanked for
treating you shabbily by stampeding off like thoughtless steer but
many lives are at stake. Farewell!”
En route
Holmes offered, “The
sample of incidents though scattered geographically have a specific
pattern in that it appears with each successive attack the beast cuts
a wider swath shoreward. I surmise that Smedley is systematically
training his superdevilish killer such that each episode is a test
scrimmage where he slowly builds its endurance. Not to be a
scaremonger but before long I think the skulking predator will be
showing up on land slashing away through seaside towns in all its
gruesome splendor toppling structures and yes, very Smaug-like
indeed, strafing from above with its fiery sulphury breath.”
Later with
the island within
our sights our serviceable yet overtaxed plane started to fail, with
the engine making sputtering coughing noises and not susurrating
whirring ones. In the pilot’s somber assessment we had a ruptured
drive shaft seal and with the plane spasmodically jerking now we
passengers were squirming in our seats. He cautioned, “That landing
strip that was spoken of is probably that area covered with shrubbery
and tree stumps and branches over there. Not surprised though,
wouldn’t be too slick to leave it sticking out like a sore thumb if
he’s as superinsistent on privacy as everyone says. The intel said
it wasn’t yet of sufficient length for us to land safely anyway so
let’s scrub that option. We’ll put down near that sheltered
sandbank just beyond that swampland. Given our mechanical snafu,
there’s no time to go searching for anything closer to that
stockade looking facility which stands to reason is his new
stronghold. Heck, strategically it’s not a bad scenario since from
my standpoint we’re far enough away they maybe haven’t spied us
yet and the element of surprise may still be in play. Just go into
stealth mode and smoothly and silently try sneaking up on him like
super ninjas.”
Once our
skilled pilot, a
former squadron leader, a master of the skyways, with effortless
savoir faire landed the plane we thanked our lucky stars, but he
insisted we’d skated by thanks to the Patron Saint of Travel St.
Joseph. “I keep a scapular of him hanging from my speedometer. He
just stepped in from the clouds to stave off disaster and was waving
a semaphore flag like a signalman guiding me down! I guess he can
spontaneously levitate like Sally Field in that Flying Nun sitcom!”
Holmes cried, “Kudos to you our superheroic aviator with the
shatterproof nerves and your supernatural ally St. Joe! Now while we
sally forth you dig out the sealant from among your spare parts and
get this plane shipshape”…… (Author’s non sequitur to spice
things up….why isn’t it planeshape?)
With that
Holmes and I went
slogging through the soggy silty terrain but no sooner had we
embarked did the scenic yet perilous jungle overwhelm my delicate
sensibilities…my mind now full of scarifying thoughts, my nerves in
a shambles. Would I be a luckless schmuck sucked into quicksand
slurped into oblivion? Would I be bitten by an evil slinky snake and
be squealing in pain only to stiffen up all paralyzed like a statue
then die of heart stoppage? Would I be assaulted by slimy mutant
leeches which would siphon off all my blood leaving me an empty
shell, a shriveled corpse? Would I be eaten by scavenger creatures of
unbridled savagery or be done in by the sweltering heat and be a
sunbaked treat for them? Adding to the strangeness were these birds,
a cross between stork and spoonbill, scrounging about for food. Would
one get snappish and poke my eyes out of their sockets with its
spatulate bill?
To surmount
this slough of
despond I scoured my mind for when I’d displayed superexceptional
fortitude. Ah, when I was seven, on a dare I ate a sachet of silica
gel and lived. It was the dessicant in Mom’s very cool sideboard
with sliding doors and well, stamped right on it was a stark “Do
Not Eat” warning. I was once invited up to Mt. Sunapee N.H. by my
Uncle Seymour who was a selectman in nearby Goshen to go snowboarding
which is like skateboarding but on snow not land….but Aw Shucks!
…never mind…It was sleeting so like a wimp I played it safe had
him take me to a swap meet instead.
Well my
nerves were stretched
tighter than a snare drum but one sidewise glance at oh so stolidly
calm Sherman Holmes and I rallied and soldiered on with strengthened
resolve inspired by his sangfroid. Sensing I needed a break, Holmes
said, “Let’s find some shade, fill our canteens at yonder
streamlet, and apply salve to ward off poison sumac.” As we rested
Holmes sapiently observed, “The monster seems to be slavishly
subservient perhaps spellbound by Shockley. With his Svengali-like
hold, he sends him out on killing sprees then summons him back like a
puppet on a string. Maybe he’s subjecting him to his control via an
implanted semiconductor microchip linked to a supercomputer. It’s
best I just subdue and apprehend Smedley and not use this sidearm
here in a messy shootout. If he dies in such a scuffle and the beast
is out slaughtering and causing strife far away will you or I or even
Salvatore be able to snap it out of its trance and spin it around?
Alas, lest we become sleepyheaded and turn this into a siesta, while
there’s still sunshine let’s proceed.”
Just after
dusk under cover of
semidarkness we reached Smedley’s skunkworks. Finding it surrounded
by a wooden fence, we smeared ourselves with some stickum-like
substance, slunk over to the fence, shinnied up a corner post, and
cautiously slid down the other side. Holmes whispered, “A long
seclusion has led to a slipshod approach to security.” He then
observed, “Smedley has no searchlights scanning back and forth or
surveillance cameras or motion sensors going and no one is on sentry
duty. I bet both of those stinkbugs are inside engaging in
subversive activities.” With no need for a long stakeout waiting
for the safest moment to steal our way in undetected, we just
swaggered up front and waltzed in.
We lacked
building specs and
schematics of any kind but open hearing an incessant strident screaky
wail coming from a sublevel, we found a stairwell and descended.
After passing through a slender corridor we came directly to a
stadium-sized strongroom with a retractable roof. So whenever it
suited him, Smedley could simply press a button, make it slide open
like a nuclear weapon silo, release the beast from solitary
confinement, and let it soar to the surface.
We then came
across a sad
spectacle and Holmes gasped, “Holy smokes, the beast! And it’s a
shadow of itself in the throes of a seizure lying supine
alternatively spastically thrashing about then remaining stationary
just motionless and notice the unhealthy splotches of yellow dotting
its spiniferous body.” Smedley was stooped over it, emotionally
shattered, probing with his stethoscope. He then sniped at Salvatore,
“You simpleton, didn’t I specify no scallops lest he go into
shutdown mode and succumb?” Salvatore shrank at the verbal salvo
and weeping and sniffling answered, “But I didn’t want to be
selfish with the shellfish.” Smedley ranted, “To overcome this
supercolossal setback due to your stupidity I must create a brand
spanking new beast. Taking no shortcuts and working with dogged
sticktoitiveness I will with utmost surety eliminate susceptibility
to allergies this time and make a spitting image of him.”
Ready for
showtime and with gun
drawn Holmes cried, “Not to be a spoilsport, I admire your spunk
but nay, you’re going to the slammer and you won’t be sequencing
any DNA there. Don’t be sapheads and try any stunts but raise your
hands.” Smedley enthused, “The famous shamus himself, superstar
detective Sherman Holmes, bane of scofflaws worldwide! Who else to
find my inner sanctum and snare me. Alas, I gave short shrift to the
rumor that the superrich shipbuilders and bigtime shippers of the
world, stirred to action by shrinking profit margins…notwithstanding
insurance settlements…and jittery stockholders, had hired you. Yes
I’m a bit shuttered in here but I do have a shortwave radio that
picks up mostly static but also intermittent stray chatter.”
warned, “No
tricks!...I’m a sharpshooter who at the last Scarborough Fair won
all the stuffed animals at the shooting gallery. Alas the scumbag
carny, sulking over my cleaning out his vast stockpile of snuggly
prizes, came at me with two scruffy ruffians. One grabbed me in a
stranglehold, the other held a switchblade to my neck, while the
carny smirked at me as he took back his Snoopy, Sylvester the Cat,
SpongeBob Squarepants, and everything else and scampered off. I’m
not the submissive type and can handle myself in a scrap but I was a
bit sallow with a stomachache from too much sarsaparilla soda and
Skittles and felt a bit too sickish to resist much.”
remarked, “Try you?
Holy Schmoly Nay! An old schoolmate of mine became a sergeant at
Scotland Yard and once told me you smoked their top snipers in an off
the books, not even semiofficial yea not sanctioned at all contest.”
replied, “Indeed, now
be seated on that sofa without moving your hands in the slightest.
while I straightaway get you apprehended.” Holmes then removed one
of his sneakers, a shoe phone a la Maxwell Smart! to dial the New
Zealand police superintendent who was at the nearest substation at
the ready. After supplying him with the specifics he admonished, “No
need for a SWAT team swarming in here laying siege to the place. No
splashy theatrics. Just a speedy seamless transfer to your custody.”
Next while
staring at me
Smedley inquired, “Holmes, may I get my specs from my shirtfront
pocket?” Holmes agreed whereupon Smedley scanned my features again
then all smiles chirped, “Shazam! I should’ve known! The literary
stylist Misakman! Ye of the snappy prose and stirring alliterative
tales. Now call me sixpence short of a shilling (Author’s
note…British slang for screwy) but chances are slim you’re here
for the scenery. Listen, there is a superabundance of info about me
but it gets a bit scanty out there when it comes to Salvatore, no
mere servant but my Sancho Panza, my loyal swordbearer. Indeed you’re
doing Letter S thus…Holmes!...before the police squad shows up let
Sal to give a summary of his life to Misakman. I’m not slinging
bull when I say it reads like a great screenplay!”
nodded and Salvatore
obliged going, “Well when I was a mere squalling suckling in
swaddling clothes momma, a spiritual lady but Sheesh! darn the luck,
passed away while on a sightseeing tour of Vatican City. She had
bumped into the sacrosanct ruler of the Holy See, the pope himself,
out for a stroll stretching his limbs after a long synod. After he
sprinkled holy water on her she tripped on her shoelaces and smacked
her head on the cement and Splat!... her brains were strewn all over
St. Peter’s Square. She was a good signora so I bet she went to St.
Peter’s Gate and not southerly where the bad sinners go.
Later poppa
fell for a pretty
signorina who became my stepmother who I remember stressing,
‘Salvatore, it’s nel sangre, in your blood, to be a man of
science like a the great Santorio Santorio (a.k.a. Santorius of
Padua) , your ancestor on your momma’s side.’ In the late
sixteenth early seventeenth century he wrote the De Statica Medicina.
Poppa was a humble shoemaker and not one for speeches but while on
his sickbed dying from a severe strain of salmonella poisoning from
some bad scungili, old Salvatore Sr. softly but clearly said, ‘You’re
momma was a sweetie pie but she no tie her a shoestrings too good.
She always say Sal must be a studious boy no like a his smartass
brother Silvio who become a stickup kid and a safecracker and wind up
in a San Quentin.’
I tell you
his sheepskin
moccasins, supersoft yet durable and free shoetree with purchase!,
were better than Sebagos . I recall too a fine pair of slingback
stilettos he made one time for this splayfooted high society lady who
liked to dance the samba. When I was a little squirt and helped as
his shoeshine boy he’d make me a sub heavy on the salami and pesto.
Anyway, in
spite of my parents’
consistent stance, I shunned the schoolroom in favor of the streets
and became a shakedown artist/enforcer type. So one day I’m bashing
a guy’s skull against the sidewalk. He’d been caught schtooking a
mafia strongman’s wife and muscling in on his slumlord racket. I’m
busy snuffing out this sleazeball and he’s all splayed out there on
the blood spattered pavement when this superintense feeling sweeps
over me. There was this seismic shift in my thinking, an epiphany,
and I’m like, “I’m spinning my wheels and need to do some
stocktaking.” There was an image of a sandglass superimposed over
the sky draining away quickly symbolizing how I was letting my life
slip away. Doling out superviolent punishment on guys even those
lousy snitching sewer rat stoolies didn’t seem fun anymore. I
wasn’t some snaggletoothed senile old man yet but I didn’t need a
stopwatch to tell me my reflexes were slowing down and that the odds
of surviving much longer against younger slicksters eager to make me
a statistic were low. My enthusiasm had slackened to the point I felt
stymied like by a giant sedative. That very weekend I decided no more
shilly-shallying I’ll go to the superette and grab the Sunday paper
then look through the classified section and find a new job that
suits me.
There was an
opening at the
switchyard for a guy to stencil label the cars but I’m a slobola
with paint and one for a switchman there too. There was one for a
stockboy at a superstore, a plaster and stucco guy, a sax player and
a silversmith even. There was one for a sous-chef but no one likes my
spam dishes and they say my sorghum sourdough bread tastes too much
like seawater. There was a systems analyst job but being semiliterate
at best with computers and always bad with SKYPE and Excel
spreadsheets, I passed on that. There was one for a sotto voce male
opera singer for a semistaged production of Stauss’s Salome who
wouldn’t overpower the soprano female but my vocals are too
scratchy. The ones for semiskilled labor jobs didn’t offer enough
simoleons to get by but then one offering a decent salary for a lab
assistant provided a stimulus. When I was a schoolkid my family
stressed this field so much it finally seeped in. Smedley hired me
and things went swimmingly except for a slip-up…he skipped
mentioning my having to clean up lotsa stinky smelly monster poop.”
Next the
cops arrived and with
a strictly business attitude (Holmes’ message sunk in!) they
slapped the cuffs on and ushered them to a spartan yet sanitary and
adequate cell at their main station. Luckily our pilot was a
supertalented mechanic and had the plane sounding great after hours
of sweating over the repairs. “I shall book a suite at the hotel a
stone’s throw from the courthouse in New Zealand where
supercriminals are tried,” said Holmes as we boarded.
On the plane
he added, “For
shites and giggles, from the vast salamagundi of superfantastic
theories I discarded re the beast, I’ll sling your way my shortened
versions of a few…
I visited a
village in Slovakia
where a storekeeper claimed the beast was conjured up by a magic
spell gone awry from a local coven of skanky scabby scraggly shrewish
hags during a sabbat celebrating some solstice or another. They
intended to invoke a succubus to sexually assault the village smith
while he slept. The head of this vile sisterhood had one spitfire
temper and he’d managed to put her in a snippy mood. Now he cut
quite a strapping figure with his tight stonewashed jeans and his
buff suntanned look. One day when he came from his smithy to deliver
a stockpot she had ordered she tried to seduce him but he rebuffed
her smoochy advances and also said no to trying her shortbread sugar
cookies laced with scopolamine to make him more susceptible. She then
vowed revenge via satanic rites upon her uncooperative studhorse
The group
was adept at
summoning demons (no run of the mill s�ances here) while in a
stepwise methodical not at all slapdash fashion adding items to a
boiling spuming cauldron. But a semitrained initiate not up to speed
on the ritual let things spiral out of control this night mistakenly
adding stalk of snapdragon instead of sprig of skunkweed and adding
scarabs instead of sandworms. Not only that she added stem of
southernwood instead of stamen of spiderwort and instead of a sex
demon our superformidable nemesis appeared. However after studying
the mishap I found it was a not at all similar monstrosity, a huge
spider with a squirrel head, that the eyewitness, a local
stonecutter, has noticed scuttering about the woods since that day.
theory had Druidic
shamans engaging in sylvan rites aligning their magic scepters with
the Stonehedge monuments on the Salisbury plain at Wiltshire back
home and opening up a stargate portal. But while they brought in
superintelligent beings from Sirius our beast slipped in from the
Orion system. I traced this all to a few bored scriptwriters stoned
on ‘shrooms snowjobbing a newsguy for kicks.”
At the hotel
Holmes smelled a
rat warning, “When I nabbed my last superbaddie Sol ‘The Skunk’
Sistrunk, I was victimized by strong arm tactics. The trial was
slated for the afternoon in a Syracuse N.Y. courthouse. When I
arrived to take the stand I was told a superfast trial had been held
at sunup and he’d already been ‘sentenced’. It was a sham
conducted by a sidewinder of a judge, a Samuel Softon. Rumor has it
he asked Sol, “Why rot in Sing Sing if you can practice your
specialty messing with sarin gas and strychnine and whatnot working
for the supersecretive Spiderweb organization spearheading our
research into supervirulent bioweaponry? Well it wasn’t a
superdifficult decision for this sleazy scuzzbucket and once he
assented the law was subverted and he was whisked off to a
subterranean lab to ply his trade for the superpowerful group.”
Next a group
of submachine gun
toting heavies stormed into our room located at the top story of the
building and dangled each of us over the sill while the leader
sardonically cracked, “If you do any stalling and don’t just pack
your suitcases and get the next stagecoach outta Dodge you’ll get a
free skydiving lesson from us sans the gear.” While I was
speechless Holmes obliged with a sedate acquiescence while giving me
a sidelong glance and winking.
On the plane
Holmes divulged
the superslick stratagem he had up his sleeve. He related, “After
being snakebitten with Sol “The Skunk” Sistrunk I am hip to the
smothering enormity of these superplayers’ pull. The sentencing
there was merely to give the proceedings a semblance of justice.
Though shunted aside again I will get the scoop on what the judge, a
Sanford Softon, Sammy’s equally slippery sibling, is up to.
Sheldon, the courthouse janitor, er sanitation engineer, will
secretly record every word, every syllable uttered by those two
slimeballs Sanford and Smedley.
superbrave friend Sheldon
reassured me, ‘Sherman you old stinkweed, in a bit of a sticky
wicket eh? I’ll just channel my inner Sam Spade and Spenser for
Hire. Got the subminiature mics you mailed me, hid ‘em in the wall
sconces in the courtroom for starters. In the chambers got one in a
Lazy Susan and another in a coal scuttle beside a showy faux
fireplace and yet another behind a supersized portrait of Softon’s
Uncle Cecil, and Great Scott!...he’s one ugly sucker with his
sourball expression.’”
Re Sheldon
Holmes elaborated,
“I met Shelly at a Sussex countryside farm where my Uncle Sherwood
kept a few of his prize steeds: a massive shire horse named Silas and
a racehorse Sheba. I still have a saddlecloth from when she won at
Salisbury! He was a stable boy/ farmhand doing the ‘lowly scutwork’
in Uncle’s words, but disregarding his subjective bias, I’d help
my pal clean the stalls and come seedtime help with planting. Well
through the social media site Snapchat we reconnected recently. He
told me that when he was in his sixties a distant stepbrother
bequeathed him a stud farm in New Zealand. He worked like a slave
there until his seventieth year when he became semiretired after
finally selling it.
sedentary life had him
feeling spiritess so he visited the judge who once bought a Shetland
pony from him explaining , ‘Got a bit socked away from my
stockbreeding days but didn’t realize it stunk so bad being idle.
But I got me a shed fulla tools…my stepladder for your odd jobs and
my trusty straw broom to keep your courthouse spotless. For big jobs
gotta pair of sawhorses (Yank synonym for sawbucks…not the bills
worth 10 smackers but the things for cutting scaffolding planks). I’m
not a plumber per se but I can fix a shutoff valve and install a sump
pump if need be.’
replied, ‘Ok you’re
my maintenance supervisor! Grab some sixpenny nails and get to
securing the loose floorboards under the skylight in the lobby where
I stubbed my toe and aggravated my sciatic nerve yesterday but check
the subflooring first. We may be sundrenched now but that area gets
sopping wet when it’s raining so check the shingles on the roof. In
my chambers are new semifinished sycamore cabinets in need of a coat
of shellac before being hung from the soffit above. I also have two
semiround sidepieces, a set of half moon night stands I picked up at
a yard sale that are on shims, that I need you to straighten up and
make level.’
reminisced, ‘Ah
Sheldon! How my wife loved your sheltie, rode it sidesaddle wearing
her skirts she did, until the scoliosis in her spine got too bad.
Then a trader intrigued by his siring possibilities and his unique
sienna coat paid us severalfold what I paid you and made him a
steeplechase champion!’”
Once we made
it back, feeling
somnolent due to our superarduous journey, we enjoyed a salubrious
few days of rest. Our lengthy sleeptime was preempted by the overly
strepitous chimes, Auld Lang Syne ad nauseum, of the doorbell. “When
I switched the ring from Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony to this I
must have turned it up a skosh when I meant to soften the volume,”
said Holmes. Anyhow, at the stoop was a smallish package from Sheldon
and arriving simultaneously a newspaper proclaiming in superlarge
font, “Case Sewn Up. Shockley Off To Supermax Prison”. Holmes
cracked, “Play me for a simp eh? These recordings from old Shell’s
high stakes mission will reveal the scam these scurrilous shysters
are pulling.”
note read, “These
memory sticks will prove my boss is a sellout to this supergiant
heinous group. Maybe I’m sophomoric in my paranoia or belong in a
sanitarium in a straitjacket but I fear these insidious screwworms have
created spyware that can infiltrate all internet servers
worldwide. I know it strains credulity but it’s not as
superimprobable as you think so I shipped ‘em rather than leave the
stinkeroos a cybertrail.”
The nearly
seventeen hours of
recordings offered substantive proof that this group of
superarrogant manipulators were indeed sabotaging the current order
on a massive scale in order to supplant it with a shockingly brutal
form of totalitarian socialism. Here are the highlights of the
scandalous transcripts featuring the smarmy Judge Softon and the
impressionable scuzzbag Shockley:
“My, are you
strung out! If the
jailhouse experience was suboptimal I must shore up any deficiencies”
“It was
stressful your honor.
The cell was like a shoebox, enough to make one stir crazy or
suicidal before long. They could splurge on A/C because it was like a
sweatbox too. And the stench…P.U!....it stank of a sickroom and
could’ve used a spray bottle of Febreeze. I recommend their
‘sandalwood and soothe’ scent and that you get Lysol air
sanitizer too. For a pleasant setoff to the drab place, you could
spiff up the walls with a few coats of calm Schauss pink semigloss
too. The soup was a cross between pond scum and raw sewage so you
ought to keep Alka-Seltzer and sodium bicarbonate handy. That one
spoonful I had wasn’t lovin’ me (John Sebastian fans…Smile!...a
joke just for you!) and the saltines were stale anyway. The Saharan
conditions had a somniferous effect upon me but Salvatore’s snoring
kept me awake. Now I’m no epitome of sanctity but noticing a
softcover edition of the Bible, I figured the Song of Solomon, that
uplifting book of the Holy Scriptures, might have a salutary effect
upon me. My spirit soared but alas, the substandard illumination,
barely flickering striplights, made reading impossible.
If there was a
survey 1 to 10, I
hate to be supercritical but I’d give the place a subzero mark. But
today’s breakfast of southwestern burrito with salsa and bacon
strips on the side, all very succulent, and then the cinnamon scones
to die for, positively Savoyesque, merits an asterisk.”
Now Sanford was
a former
seminarian but he scuttled that career by being sloshed too often
instead of learning the sacraments. He finally embraced sobriety, put
his smarts to work, and excelled scholastically to become a master of
statutory law. As a judge he was prone to sententious sermonizing and
earned the sobriquet “Softie Softon” especially for letting
schnooks and crooks get off scot-free.
“Be confident
that those
stumblebums who have lowered our standards allowing such squalor and
misery will be sacked forthwith. As a consolation, relax in my
supercomfortable shiatsu massage recliner and enjoy a creamsicle
smoothie in my chambers. Also choose from a smorgasbord of
delights…s’mores snickerdoodles, ginger snaps, Sno-Caps
nonpareils, and even sugarplums. A veritable sweetshop!”
Once Smedley
had chosen his
stimulating massage settings and got busy slaking his appetite,
Softon went into his salesman mode……
“Smedley, I
represent the
superelite clandestine Spiderweb that all superpowers as well as
smaller nations are subordinate to. You can settle for a life in a
filthy sty of a prison where you just stare at ugly walls forever or
work for us in a swanky superluxurious subsurface lab. This is no
sinecure where you just screw around but it’s no sweatshop either.
At this supermodern facility, a resort spa really, we pay a healthy
stipend. With hefty allocations from our septillion dollar budget you
can work in the subscience of creating monsters like your strangeling
beast. We don’t ask you to sublimate your sinisterial impulses and
be good but we do ask our supervillains (our favorite demographic
subcategory) to subsume their megalomania enough to let us call the
shots and work with us in solidarity of purpose. We want to sow so
much misery that the sheeple will beg their leaders, all in on our
supranational cabal, for solutions allowing us to superadd to our
power until we satisfy our objective and the world is one big
superstate, national sovereignty be damned.”
“What a
spectacular plot to gain
world supremacy and subjugate all mankind! Stinko for any poor schlub
not in the club, any dumb schmo not in the know, and any lame-o
schlemiel not in on the deal! Sign me up!”
“Bravo! Now
Smedley, our plan to
hold sway is more scrutable if you understand the subplot, a more
sparsely populated planet. You must get your brain synapses firing
and do the mental somersaults necessary to devise superefficient
methods to reduce the troubling surplus of Homo Sapiens which has
septupled over the last two centuries. Of course with us subsidizing
your work, your superweapon of a monster will surpass the old one. As
a secondary thing you can help us with superbugs…we have smallpox,
syphilis, and other tiny even submicroscopic germs you can tinker
“No prob! With
my beast I think
I’ll sharpen the fangs so they’re like stalactites upper and
stalagmites lower. I’ll make it sonar-proof, undetectable by subs
or submersible devices. It’ll evade sounding equipment by being
able to keep to the seafloor like a shipworm subsisting on sediment
and whatnot.”
“Great! Other
projects require your salient insights. Should we boost the
superstrength toxicity of our chemtrails, maybe add more strontium or
mold spores or perhaps a smattering of aluminum or other supergerms?
We just give the simplistic explanation that what’s being sprayed
is as harmless as what skywriters use! With our subatomic
nanotechnology could we make our smartdust even smarter? Help with
our cloud seeding so like the supermen gods of old we can create
sandstorms, cyclones, and weather anomalies. As scripted, disaster
relief contractors and subcontractors will quickly sweep into town
followed by real estate speculators while the poor mostly subliterate
get displaced."
“Boy this all
sounds great and I
feel superlucky to have won a slot with you guys!”
Smedley! We’re
syncretizing all religions…Christianity with all its subgroups due
to schisms, Shinto, Santeria, you name it…into one as well, no
sectarianism allowed. We’ll keep engineering stagflation, economic
slowdowns, and depressions at will while piling surtaxes upon taxes.
We’re an ancient superpatient group that has just hit the speedup
button so the world is one big slaughterhouse, a saturnalia of war
and mayhem. Then we’ll have our spinmeisters present a supersmooth
politician….think the supercilious President Snow played by Donald
Sutherland in the Hunger Games…..
“Yeah, he was
cloned by an alien
seedpod in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and became a spaced out
zombie, a simulacrum of himself!”
interesting sidelight
info Smedley but continuing on…. With great showmanship this
silver-tongued fellow will deliver his specious spiel prepared by our
speechwriters holding himself up as a savior, an ace problem solver.
Anyone who tries to smirch his high sheen carefully manufactured
squeaky clean image and expose the skeletons in his closet will be
eliminated as our loyal serf superintensively pushes forth our
agenda. The world, a big snarly mess due to direct and spillover
effects of our actions, will snowball out of control like it’s
supposed to. We the unelected superclass who storyboard mankind’s
fate with deft sleight of hand will keep staging elaborate
supercatastrophes then go steamrolling over the Constitution till we
reach a synthesis, a stratified society administered by sharpie
technocrats, distant suzerain overlords if you will, as the
scrabbling masses grovel in servitude.
Our subjects
will be segregated
from us and be herded into scroungy semiderelict at best slums,
shantytowns essentially. Yes we’ll always need a subclass, an
untouchable subcaste, to do hard labor. The victors will live
sumptuously in guarded isolated sectors, pristine cities shimmering
in the distance. Researchers will live securely in superdeluxe
apartments below and jet-setters and administrators will remain above
in these supersafe cities in snazzy homes and buildings, each an
architectural showpiece.”
“But what of
Salvatore who despite screwing up at times is a rock of stability
with whom I’ve had a symbiotic relationship?”
“The star
chamber deep within
our superorganization is very selective. Only the superaccomplished
can join us and be taught our shibboleths and the meaning of our
occult symbolism. I know it sucks but be not saddled with sadness.
He’ll be set up with a concession stand business offering Italian
slush, spumoni, and sorbet on a Sausalito beach where he’ll compete
with the shawarma and souvlaki guys.”
Then Softon,
using his personal
stationery, scrawled out his quick summation of the proceedings
ending with, “The supersharp cunning of the police and my stringent
application of the law has scotched the machinations of Mr.
Shockley.” He proceeded to summon via speakerphone his man Smithers
to tell him, “Smithers, you’re my stenographer and court
secretary and now you’re my media spokesman too. No speechmaking
for me today considering not only am I stubbly having not yet shaven
but I am still clothed in my sleepwear and wearing my slippers and
overall look like a slob. Before first sunlight today this massive
sumo wrestler of a guy snagged me out of bed and tossed me in a big
black sedan and told me, ‘No time to issue subpoenas or suborn
witnesses per the group! Under whatever subchapter you choose…
subsection this, subpart that, subparagraph this, and subclause
that…suit yourself just convict Shockley. Then from the courthouse
steps tell all that the specter of mayhem from his superaggressive
beast is past.’ Don’t soil your pants Smithers for the assembled
press is mostly slavering sycophantic Spiderweb assets anyway and
you’ll be Cicero with your sparkling oratory.”
Next direct
from a Roaring ‘20s
speakeasy came two guys in sharkskin suits, a stubby little fellow
puffing a stogie resembling Scarface Al Capone and a big superstrong
looking lug with a rather saturnine expression like a stonefish. Said
the diminutive one in a raspy sandpapery voice, “I’m Shorty and
this is Sluggo. No we didn’t shimmy down the chimney like Santa,
but I merely shimmed the door lock.” We’re taking you to Lord
Summersby’s supertanker currently at the port in Southampton where
you can sum up how you solved the case.”
We hopped in a
very sleek Stutz
Blackhawk and with Shorty driving we quickly reached the seashore. We
were hustled aboard ‘The Samson’, no mere sloop indeed!, and were
led to a stateroom where the chief steward brought us endless salvers
of food. For appetizers we had the Szechuan scallion pancakes and
subgum fried rice and while I quaffed on a sangria spritzer Holmes
enjoyed a soave spumante. For the meal while the wiener schnitzel and
shrimp scampi were tempting we picked the beef stroganoff and cheese
The superbusy
tycoon arrived, via
Sikorsky helicopter no less, explaining, “I left a business seminar
in Switzerland early to rush here and release my shipmaster from his
duties and as a stopgap measure take over for the hopeless souse
after summarily dismissing him. When he got stewed on a bottle of
sambuca recently the Samson went slamming into a sandbar running
aground on a shallow reef. Before that despite having plenty of
searoom to maneuver in a well-mapped seaway he managed to smash the
hull against a seamount specifically marked on the chart. Later over
by Seattle near Puget Sound he toppled a cable stayed bridge. The
governor of Washington in a splenetic rage issued a statewide ban on
Slumping into
his chair he
continued, “Today on his approach he hit a Sunseeker off our stern.
The angry sportsman, his craft now a pile of sticks, reproved our
captain in stentorian fashion uttering salty billingsgate of utmost
severity from the water. Vowing to sue us he kept up with unkind
slurs but when a scow unable to sheer off just plowed over him he
submerged then drowned. Pardon my sarcasm here but perhaps his
shortness of temper invited a divine smackdown.
I found out
today that my
accident prone skipper was so strapped for cash he was barely
solvent, in a financial sinkhole from gambling poorly playing skat
versus card sharps. To alleviate his shortfalls I found out the
stinkpot took to raiding the strongbox and even allowed stowaways on
board for a fee. First was a fugitive shoplifter who’d swiped a
bunch of sportswear and sporting goods from a supercenter warehouse.
His haul included Speedo swimsuits, various sweatpants, semifitted
yoga pants, Slazenger sweatshirts, a few six-packs of Sportcraft
shuttlecocks, a seine fishing net, and… a big surfboard to boot!
Next was a drug dealing scuzz of a guy who hooked many subteens on
speedballs and had escaped a police standoff down at the
Well, enough of
my shoptalk…Now
Sherman, do you recall at my semiformal ball at my summerhouse in
Shrewsbury when you bested me at my skeet range while I made my first
stab at hiring you. Well I have since added a red dot scope to my
shotgun and sharpened my aim considerably and am now salivating for a
rematch. Besides, I could show you my new solarium I built, yes a
sunroom, which beats sitting under a sunlamp, and my new sauna bath
too.” Holmes replied, “It would be bad sportsmanship not to
accept, but don’t rip up the scorecard or rip hair from your scalp
again when I soundly beat you.” Summersby admitted, “I must not
get all supercharged with emotion and act like a stubborn schoolchild
and embrace serenity instead.”
Our host who
had cast a few
sideward glances my way now donned his spectacles to scrutinously
observe me. Then as if rocked by a sonic boom he leapt up and
shouted, “I’m starstuck! It’s The Misakman. There aren’t
enough superlatives to describe your seminal epics of scintillating
wit and satirical humor. In fact I believe I have the symptoms of
Misakman syndrome, so common within that subpopulation of diehard
Misakman superfans. Indeed my old faves---Steinbeck, Shelley
etc.---have become boring soundalikes, their novels reeking of a
stagnant sameness. Even Stoker with his sepulchral tales of the suave
vampire Lestat from the Carpathian steppes rising from his
sarcophagus to add to his slavelike harem fails me now.”
He expounded,
“I aimed to be a
screenwriter but managed only submarginal schlock full of stilted
dialogue and trite staple literary tropes. Most of my work…serial
adventures, sci-fi spoofs, soap operas, semidocumentary style film
noir, semiautobiographical dramas...was flung in the Hollywood
scrapheap. My ‘Scantily Clad Stewardesses Vs. The Spacemen’ was a
semipopular sexploitation flick but didn’t exactly skyrocket me to
fame. Neither did the follow-ups ‘Sexpot Starlets Vs. The
Saturnians’ or ‘Seminude Showgirls Vs. The Flying Saucer Men’.
When the domestic box office was pure suckdom with them, the
distributor added subtitles in Spanish, Swahili, and Sanskrit but
foreign returns proved skimpy.
By the way
Misakman, my nephew
Sumner, who got into Suffolk University on a merit scholarship and
graduated summa cum laude, took a course on their syllabus in the
newest subdiscipline of literature Allit 101 in which the students
dissected all your superexcellent works replete with quirky
storylines, sidesplittingly funny humor, and interesting subthemes.
I can’t shake
the feeling I
should’ve kept at it. When I was a mere sprog instead of making
sandcastles when they put me in my little sunsuit and dropped me in
the sandbox I’d build a Mississippi steamboat, yeah one of those
old-fashioned sidewheelers, or a huge steamship like the Titanic
superliner, or a noble sachem spearing a bison, or St. Nick with his
sleigh complete with sleighbells and reindeer. Then with a starburst
of creativity I would concoct cool stories involving my sandy
Then I look at
a Hollywood in a
creative stasis afflicted with sequelitis churning out subaverage
fare. Instead of the sextillionth movie with semianimate zombies or
comic book superheroes how about I dust off my ’Sunbathing Sorority
Girls Vs. The Killer Seabirds’? That’s when a mutant subspecies
of seafowl run afoul. Who joins the seagulls and their ilk but the
shorebirds too like the long billed sandpipers. Later the psycho
finches, seedeaters gone amok, enlist as do the beserk shrikes…Yikes!
It’s not too smutty though the heroines’ swimwear does get torn
off while they sprint away in terror.
I finally
sensed it was time to
join the family stockbrokerage firm and embrace my role as the scion
of the house of Summersby. Under my stewardship we now have numerous
subsidiaries even spinoff companies. Synergy is a challenge but
there’s a steelyard, smelting plant, shipyard, television
superstation, and even a sawmill though I’m allergic to sawdust.
We’re a big stakeholder in a commodities firm where my supersmart
traders bet well on soybean and sowbelly futures and whatnot.
Alas I am prone
to soliloquy,
gushing like a broken spigot or showerhead gone haywire. Let us segue
to the case!.... Call me supersuspicious but was that Smithers doing
a phony shtick for that seedy Softon guy? Then I thought, ‘Holmes
is back but likely out of sync with jetlag and needing sleep but at
the same time with Shorty and Sluggo already in Soho nearby
delivering sis per sixtieth birthday gift… exquisite stemware I won
at a Sotheby’s auction, antique brandy snifters!… I’ll seize
the day and get him.”
Holmes replied,
“After sewing
up the loose strands of the case that had stumped all I was about to
speed dial you anyway. Indeed we got shafted with some thugs not very
subtly demanding we skip town before the trial….but they
underestimated my spycraft. I have supersensitive info, audio that
sinks the credibility of Softon and the elite snobs who control him.”
After playing a
sampling of the
recordings through the portable speakers attached to his Samsung
laptop, Summersby commented, “These slobbering sows whose gluttony
for control cannot be surfeited now have this Shockley snugly within
their clutches. I thought I was shockproof but this sockdolager
floors me. These stinking rats, saboteurs of the current order, with
consummate stagecraft manipulate world events. They will leave me,
the starchy aristocrat, a man of stature, with nary a seaworthy
vessel and will have me living in a shanty no better off than the
squeegee man. Alas I’ve always subscribed to the slogan ‘Sic
Transit Gloria’ anyway.”
Holmes added,
“The suckup
corporate media, collectively just a subagency of simpering lackeys
to the Spiderweb, skew the news to suit an agenda instead of
safeguarding freedom of the press. They snooker the public
spoon-feeding them with superficial sugarcoated slanted explanations
of events.” Summersby vowed, “I’ll do like Edward Snowden and
inform the man they deem a scandalmonger to be squelched, Julian
Assange of the whole shemozzle. If I’m found out they’ll accuse
me of sedition even supertreason for hipping Wikileaks. Unless they
have me ‘suicided’, they may stage a fatal ‘skiing accident’
like they did for songster Sonny Bono. They’ll claim I did my best
sideslipping maneuver yet ran right smack into a snowmaking cannon or
tree. Or I’ll end up in a slag heap of a prison camp worse than any
stalag the goose-stepping swastika-wearing Nazis ever built.”
He then grabbed
a scratchpad and a
black Sharpie and said, “Now being an avid autograph seeker I’m
not shy so Misakman, Could I have your signature?” I complied
unlike many a snooty sports hero who refuse starry eyed fans. He
continued, “Sherman, superagent par-excellence, you a rare species
who deserves all the specie in circulation for all this.” He then
flipped open a snuffbox resting atop a sheaf of papers on his messy
desk and pulled out a slip of paper. On it he superscribed an amount
sixfold the original fee. He added an impression from his signet ring
that sealed the deal admitting, “This smacks of extravagance
perhaps with my finances in a swan dive, but any other sendoff and
I’d feel like a scrooge paying subscale wages.”
Next he buzzed
our two city
slicker friends who emerged from a sideroom and after a sidebar type
chat with them announced, “The Stutz needs struts and suspension
work so you will go via my sporty Stingray speedboat over the water
to Summersby’s Swizzle Stick Restaurant. Enjoy the surf and turf
while Shorty and Sluggo dig out my Supra stowed away in the garage
there…after they get my snowplow and Sunfish out of the way!”
At the
restaurant I ordered a sloe
gin fizz and Holmes a Singapore sling as we enjoyed the live skiffle
band and watched a few surfcasters trying their luck along the
shorefront. Then for surf we got skipjack tuna, filet of sole, even a
pile of steamers!...while for turf it was steak tips with saut�ed
onions and spareribs to boot. We made like rambunctious scamps and
played skeeball and table soccer while waiting. After the meal the
server said, “I just gave Shorty a pail of sudsy water and a shammy
so while he applies spit and polish to the Supra do you spongers, er
fellows, want dessert?” Sis-Boom-Bah! Hooray! We certainly did so I
got an orange sherbet and Holmes a vanilla sundae slathered with
chocolate syrup and after that what the heck, I got an apple strudel
and Holmes a strawberry shortcake.
Shorty came
warning, “Let’s
scat. At the steering wheel will be part Michael Schumacker part
Hollywood stuntman part Jackie Stewart..Sluggo! With him every
sideroad is a superhighway , his own personal speedway but I’m
tired and riding shotgun. He swerves around a lot but hasn’t had a
spinout or smashup yet.”
confessed later, “The
near misses!…the signpost, the semitrailer, the lady pushing a
stroller who went skittering back to the curb, and then the guy on a
scooter with the kid in the sidecar…Oh My! Now I’m at best
semireligious, more of a secular type but I chanced to look up
through the sunroof and noticed not St. Joe again but…a
semimythical type entity, a sylphlike being whose brilliance shone
like a sunbeam. Meanwhile the air smelt of a pleasant vanilla sage
smudge stick. I looked sidewards to nudge you and apprise you my
seatmate but alas, she had disappeared beyond my sightline into the
skyline. Many would say I’m schizoid or had some bad snuff or was
high on smack, but indeed she resembled my dear late sissy, perhaps
now an angel jumping from the sidelines to save us in our scrape with
death. If there’s a celestial scorekeeper keeping the stats he must
now promote her to where the seraphs and sanctified ones are.”
Later Sluggo
nearly sideswiped
another semi while getting off at the Sudbury exit after which he ran
a stoplight and just missed hitting a streetlight while passing a
little Subaru subcompact in his way. Finally he turned into a
Sinclair Saltonstall’s Luxury Auto Showroom…according to the
gaudy neon signage.
Sluggo drove
near the salesroom
where Sinclair was schmoozing with a client on the lot as he sang the
praises of a Lamborghini Silhouette. Our hosts stared at Sinclair and
were clearly stewing mad at him. The unaware Sinclair while flashing
his semipermanent salesguy grin, nay risus sardonicus it was so over
the top, was bragging, “Note the sinuous symmetry in the design,
the custom rear spoiler.”…until he noticed them! With this
unexpected shock he practically leapt out of his shorts and tried to
scuttle away but the pair as if propelled by a slingshot at
supersonic speed caught up to him. Sluggo slugged Sinclair right in
the schnoz while Shorty whacked his shinbones with a tire iron.
Sinclair tried to stanch the spillage of blood with his shirtsleeves
but it leaked unabated like a sieve. Falling down he got all scuffed
up and probably sprained his ankle.
While they
continued beating the
stuffing out of him Shorty scornfully berated him, “You scuzzy
cheat. With dishonest salesmanship you sweetened the deal with our
boss with amenities then skimped on them. Where are the monogrammed
splashguards, the fancy spoked rims, the reclining seatbacks, and the
new skidproof tires to replace these with sidewall damage? A souped
up Supra? You merely applied silicone goop to stem the oil seepage
instead of soldering the oil pan as promised. What of the striated
veneer interior as per the swatch you showed us to replace the
sunburst orange? And what about the new setscrews you agreed to
install so the rearview mirror wouldn’t sag, you sphincter?"
pleaded, “Guys, I was
out with a staph infection, then strep throat, and then had a
subtotal gastrectomy for my ulcer. Then it was off to a specialist
for my stye, Cy my eye guy. I left my lazy slug of a stepson in
charge but he can’t even work the stapler or the pencil sharpener
and just plays solitaire all day at his desk. He skips work a lot to
go out to the skatepark where he just gets a shinner or a swellbow
when he fails at a slappie or stalefish move. He had a job as a
stagehand at I think it was The Strand or The Shaftesbury but he
dropped a light stanchion on Patrick Stewart and was shown the door.
He sneaks over to the races a lot and picks the slowest horse on the
track or up on the simulcast. He spends the rest of his paycheck on
slutty slatternly streetwalking strumpets whom he pays dearly to do
striptease or shag him. Please be sane and civilized men and cease
this one-sided slugfest.”
Shorty was
retorty--(I made that
word up. Shaboom!)--“How ‘bout I make like a sexton and SPLOOSH!
ring your bell just like that! Strutting about in that charcoal serge
suit from Saville Row and shod in those fancy snakeskin Stacy Adams
you’re just full of silken excuses and how superconvenient, you
blame a scapegoat.” Shorty then spat copious amounts of spittle
upon his foe while directing superoffensive scatology at him. Sluggo
in turn unleashed a stunning jab to the solar plexus that must have
ruptured Sinclair’s spleen. Shorty informed, “Hey Sinclair, just
a sec…remember Leon Spinks? Well it was the fight simulation
training he did with Sluggo as his sparring partner and not
shadowboxing off by himself that got him the split decision with Ali
and made him superfamous overnight!”
saliva-drenched from
being Shorty’s personal spittoon gasped, “I’ll do all the
supplementary upgrades on the Supra today and subtract the luxury car
surcharge that was tacked onto the sticker price to boot. Meantime
borrow that superexpensive Shelby over there or even that rare Spyker
SUV four-seater parked next to it.” (Author’s note: And I thought
my Buick Skylark then my Pontiac Sunbird and Volkswagen Sirocco were
cool!) Shorty barked, “OK but you’ll be subjected to a worse
spanking if you’re lying. We’ll take the Spyker!”
With that we
tore off leaving
singed asphalt and indelible skid marks and zipped through suburbia
to get home. Shorty apologized regretfully, “It did suck you guys
wound up spang in the middle of that spat especially with us smacking
him around like a slapstick clown in a comedy skit, but that
smartypants shouldn’t have lied and then stonewalled us for
admiring the streetscape
illuminated by copper streetlamps and dotted with storefronts with
their quaint signboards proposed, “Let’s head out and amble over
to The Stockyard a fine steakhouse to celebrate our return. En route
Holmes quipped, “I must eat more sparingly or I’ll go from svelte
to stout and have to go to the Baker St. Men’s Shoppe with my
slacks bursting at the seams and ask them about spandex.” Once
there we forwent the apple cider braised beef shanks and sirloin
supreme with smokehouse blend seasoning they were featuring and just
had spotted Richard suet pudding and chose a fine semidry sherry with
a tasty semisoft (some would say semihard) Stilton cheese with
crackers. Holmes marveled, “A nice view not yet spoilt by skywalks,
cell phone towers, or superwide billboards!”
At ease in
familiar surroundings
(the maitre d’ had seen to it that we had a table in the
semiprivate dining area reserved for his steadiest customers) Holmes
recalled, “It was sophomore year in high school and I scrimped and
saved for the annual storewide supersale at Schroeder’s Music and
bought a great sonorous tuba. But later when the stationmaster
noticed me boarding his southbound train whacking into the
straphangers already packed in like sardines, he ordered me from the
subway with a pointed sermonette on etiquette and bade me return it
to the salesclerk for a less imposing sousaphone. If I splutter into
that thing while meditating I can tap into my subconscious thereby
opening the sluicegates of my mind. I go into a semimystical trance
and feeling superlight I journey ever spaceward like I’m skysurfing
though I’m motionless on the settee not at all squiggling about or
somnambulating. Finally it’s as if a giant switchboard is activated
and the mentally seesawing back and forth is over …it is spelled
out in stardust no less the next case to choose!”
Back at the
flat he tried Semper
Fidelis from his J.P. Sousa songbook on that sousaphone but then
commented, “No quick supernova type blast today but it will come in
stages.” He then grabbed his sitar, a gift from the owner of The
Sahib where he went often for satay chicken, and played a Ravi
Shankar songfest. As he strummed away I thought, “This is a
semidetached building with superthin walls so he ought to soundproof
the place.” He then tried his semiacoustic guitar with an amplified
soundbox and did Santana’s Samba Pa Ti. Next after quickly snapping
out of his dreamlike semiawareness he gave a shout---”It’s Sikkim
Misakman! Now enjoy your sleepover and get plenty of shuteye for
tomorrow it’s off to the Indian subcontinent!”
I was awakened
at sunrise by
serenading songbirds mostly sparrows and starlings just as first
light stippled through the slats of the blinds. Or was it the aroma
of Sherman’s slapjacks made from stoneground flour and just the
right amount of shortening and semisweet chocolate chips? He also
prepared breakfast spuds and even butternut squash hash and brewed
his saffron herbal tea, the equal of my Aunt Sossi’s springtime
blend which had a touch of sorrel and a hint of skullcap herb.
“I’ve received
solicitations from the Smithsonian Institute to find the abominable
snowman synonymously known as the yeti.” he said at meal. “I
texted my most active suitors, a few key senators on the board,and
mentioned I was now smitten by the idea of seeking out the
semilegendary creature. I therefore bypassed Washington’s sclerotic
bureaucracy with all its subdepartments and subcommittees and
suborganizations etc and all was arranged!”
When we reached
Sikkim we went by
skiplane to the snowcapped Himalayan Mountains at Soniolchu where
coincidentally according to Sherman’s sourcebooks the superwise
swami Shamir resided high above. Sherman explained, “The leader of
a semimonastic religious sect, he’s known as a superdoctor, one who
can cure my clogged sinuses and sniffles.” Once we reached base we
found our Sherpa guides who led us from the superhot scorching heat
down below. Boy was I glad I packed my sunblock and sweatbands and
spring water especially with the dry streambeds we encountered.
Indeed it was like going on a safari into the savannah and I felt
like one superbright senor for remembering to bring my sombrero for
sunshade. When we got to the colder superhigh altitudes I was psyched
I’d gone to the skiwear place and bought my snorkel snowsuit, La
Sportiva mountain boots, and heavyknit stockings .
After we scaled
upwards yea
sunwards for hours I realized the supple limbs of my youth were now
like shattery ice. I felt stabbing pains in my sternum and the soles
of my feet and began to feel back spasms. But then while surveying
the massive skyscape with his spyglass Holmes cried, “It’s an old
swarthy fellow with an oblate spheroid bulbous head in a yogi squat
chanting away with great sacerdotal zeal!” When we got closer we
approached with solemnity and introduced our humble selves. Shamir
remarked,”Though I’m the songwriter I still forgot a few stanzas. I
first had a syncopated soca beat in mind then considered suffusing it
with a bit of a schmaltzy cabaret feel or adding ska overtones, but I
decided on a Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos singsong chant kinda thing.
Anyway, being
scrooched down on
this rock making like a piece of statuary I could’ve used a Sealy
memory foam pillow or even a sandbag for my bum. With stingingly
painful bursitis flaring, my bursa sac is all inflamed. I’ll need
sinsemilla, yep seedless hashish, to help. That’s on top of my
rectal suppository before/sitz bath after routine!”
Wearing gold
sequined sandals and
a sarong swathed in sapphires and diamonds he was arrayed like a
Saudi sheik. Not only that his shawl had beads of semiprecious gems,
what looked like snowflake obsidian and sunstone. He explained, “I
know I’ve been the symbol of simplicity and superpeity but the
sackcloth robe was like saguaro cactus and was killing me so I
scrapped that persona. Besides, I’m not exactly living at a
subsistence level anymore hawking cheap Shamir statuettes to keep
from starving. I’m the principal shareholder now in some solid
business startups of mine. Here I not only breed celebrated Himalayan
sheepdogs but I also cultivate the finest silkworms for thread which
we roll into spools. I also teach Shaolin masters my unique subbranch
of Kung Fu based on the movements of the sandhill crane.
Now being a
seer with sibylic
powers I know this group seeks the yeti. Well it’s only my stepbro
Skippy. He periodically dons a shaggy outfit he sewed up himself and
runs about the snowdrifts. The inspiration came from a Scooby Doo
episode that had him in stitches one day. A bit schizophrenic, he at
times grows a beard and sideburns, puts on a stovepipe hat and black
suit, then gets on stilts to be more statuesque, and vows to defeat
the secessionsists from the slaveholding states. Then he as the
sixteenth president Honest Abe claims, ‘If an assassin shoots me
tell my successor that socioeconomically, the crummy sharecropping
arrangements won’t be much of an improvement over slavery.’
He also claims
to be a spacefaring
alien from a supercivilized galaxy whose spaceship crashed on a patch
of scrubland nearby but not due to a shootdown. He says that during
one fateful spaceflight a solenoid subassembly, a sprocket type
thingie, went bad. Ejected from the spacecraft he landed in a thicket
of shrubs and though like semiunconscious, faintly recalled a few
servicemen hauling it away with one muttering, ‘Faltering sputnik
from a Russian spaceport my butt, it’s more like a shuttlecraft
from a starship and made from an unknown scratchproof superalloy.’
Heck, at times Skippy thinks he’s suffragette (or is it suffragist?
Darn those suffix choices!) Elizabeth Cady Stanton and talks about
how at Seneca Falls he delivered the famous Declaration of
Shamir Explains
My dad by blood
was a schoolmaster
who while on vacation in Sri Lanka got too into the sonnets of Edmund
Spenser one day and got smushed to death by a streetcar. A regular
Pythagoras of Samos in math and geometry he taught all about sines
and cosines, secants, scalene triangles subtended by the
circumference of a semicircle, and the difference between subsets and
supersets…but his heart would sing when he taught poetry. He would
enter poetry slams and use his own sociological some would call it
semipolitical verse. He’d blow it in the semifinals when they’d
crank up the soundboard mixing levels and turn up the strobe lights.
To the chagrin of his staunch supporters, he’d get unnerved and
mess up with spoonerisms and overreliance on simile with no use of
Mom was a fine
seamstress, a
sartorial magician who could make her own saris and shirtdresses etc.
and worked at a Sanjay’s tailors. She met dad, a schoolteacher
then, when he walked in with a suede slipover sweater in need of
mending . I forget how she met my stepfather to be, a superglue
tester. One day the plan at his job was to suspend him from a beam
between two skyscrapers. At the suggestion of his boss he smears the
goo atop a hardhat, slaps it under the beam, sticks his head under
the hat, and grabs both sides at the brim. Suffice to say but this
supersweet guy died going…Swaap!...into the stonework pavilion
below. He’d just quit working in smokestacks all day toiling as a
steeplejack and chimney sweep because he hated getting all sooty.
He once said,
‘Shamir here’s
the whole schmeer. Yes I’m your stepparent and you’re my
stepchild not of my sperm but I love you as I do Skippy, who’s a
bit subnormal ever since he whacked into that spruce tree with his
toy sled. Though he’s no longer tugging at your shirttails, you
must remain supercautious and look out for your troubled sib.’ I
was still a mere stripling myself at the time but to be supercandid
here my stepdad didn’t trust mom. Even then there were signs of
some slippage with her suggestive of early senility.
For instance,
always a supersaver
she became a spendthrift shopaholic first buying enough saran wrap to
cover the Sphinx then buying a tub of sauerkraut though she always
had an allergic sensitivity to cabbagy foods like cole slaw. She also
kept buying slipcovers for a sectional we had deep sixed long ago and
bought home a shorthaired Siamese cat though our spaniel was already
fighting with the Siberian cat next-door nonstop. My stepfamily did
number five since I had an older blood sister… not a stepsister
therefore a stepdaughter to him…from my high scholar biological
dad, But it was superevident to him that she, stagestruck from birth,
was in her mind a showstopper and would be too busy chasing stardom
to mind spacy Skippy.
Well a grownup
Skippy left the
sheepfold when a tribe of seminomadic sheepherders passed through
recently and he fell for a sightly girl of their number. They do okay
since he easily sells all the shearling coats and skeins of wool they
make from the sheep, but they’ll never be in dire financial straits
with Skippy flexing his psychic supercapabilities whenever it strikes
his fancy. He can win any sweepstakes he cares to enter, hit the
superfecta at the track at will, and for a fee foresee the sex of
your little sprout-to- be better than any sonogram. No he doesn’t
go by sunspot activity or use scatomancy where one stares at poo but
just has a gift.”
Holmes asked,
“Is it true you
can cure my sinusitis and put a stop to my sneezy fits?” Shamir
frowned, “I’m no sensei of allergies. Heck, go to CVS and get
some Sudafed or a saline solution to sluice out your nose or get a
scrip from your doc. Get shots or do sublingual immunotherapy with
your allergist. Honestly, a supermarket tabloid is guilty of starting
that myth. They were preparing their semiannual superspecial with a
segment on astral projection. Their man visited asking, “Did you
indeed synthesize the work of Ingo Swann, Emanuel Swedenborg, and
W.J. Stockum, and using them as a springboard create a streamlined
method of time travel?” I may be a shrunken superannuated geezer
now but I was a showboating rascal then, so feeling superoptimistic I
told the ace word slinger that I would wander the spacetime continuum
for him. I traveled and returned but he was too soddenly drunk from
swilling down his peppermint schnapps to listen to my
knock-your-socks-off tales. Just my luck he stays drunk all day
before getting sobered up but now facing deadline just scamps his
When this guy
so accustomed to
smog had woken up and deeply snuffed in more of our superclean air,
his snuffly nose was clear and his sinus issues were gone. He
hurriedly wrote that I was a storehouse of knowledge on every medical
topic and subtopic. He crowed that I was Jonas Salk, Albert
Schweitzer, and Albert Sabin all wrapped into one semisacred
superexalted being!
For the record,
I had visited the
late seventies where I was above the skyboxes and the sportcasters’
booth at a ballgame watching Ozzie Smith, shortstop for the San Diego
Padres, bat against Tom Seaver of the Cincinnati Reds. Tom had many
career shutouts and strikeouts but no no-hitters. Usually a scrub,
a non-starter
type guy would ruin his
bid. I also visited the late 1700’s at a salon…not where they
snip hair but a room for socials and such…in Salzburg, Austria.
Mozart was performing a sonata on the spinet at this intimate soiree
while rival Salieri sniggled jealously nearby.”
Holmes then
exulted, “I’m now
snot-free and superenergized myself! I was all for straightening out
my deviated septum or undergoing a sinuplasty before coming here.
This Shangri-la paradise has conferred supervitality upon me! My
heart sings as I dream of forsaking this septic tank of a world
saturated with evil to live here!” Shamir replied, “A guy I know
in the Secretariat building can pull strings and get it done if you
wish to embrace the solitude of my often stormbound haven and grow
enthused, “Yes! I can
shampoo and bathe the dogs, keep them shorn, and train them to shag
things. After all, growing up I helped Miss Sims the old schoolmarm
for whom dogs were like surrogate children. I’d walk her exotic
sharpei and shih-tzu, her noble spitz, and her cute miniature
schnauzer which she forgot to spay and had sextuplets. When you’re
snowbound I won’t be snowmobiling or skiboarding or snowblading but
will be out there working a snowblower…I’ll get us a
semicommercial grade one. I’ll learn Sikkimese, part of the
Tibeto-Burmese subfamily of Sino-Tibetan languages, too.
I will learn
your famous sayings
and teachings and wise saws free of deceptive syllogisms, clever
sophistry, tricky subtexts and semantics, and shopworn clich�s, and
become not merely a sentient being but an enlightened one untrapped
from selfhood. Your stylistic choice of the shaved head/Telly Savalas
look over the semispherical Moe of the 3 Stooges bowl cut everyone
makes sport of is the clincher.”
We repaired to
Shamir’s cozy
stormproof abode carved out of a sandstone rockface where he, a
strict ascetic not one to get slaphappy, grabbed a Sharp’s
non-alcoholic beer for himself but a bottle of Scotch for us. While
we sat on his large sisal rug swigging away and eating his homemade
samosas he informed us, “Many celebrities, people in the spotlight,
have been seekers here. That booze was a gift from Sean Connery
superspy 007 from the semifictional (the Spiderweb is very
Spectre-like eh?) James Bond films but I guess spymaster M needed him
and he split. Clint Eastwood gave me the serape from his Sergio Leone
spaghetti westerns and a seersucker suit off the set of The Mule.
Songsmith Paul
Simon left me his
Fender Stratocaster guitar and the Swedish supergroup Abba left me a
signed 7” disc of their platinum single SOS. I recommended they add
a few singers and become a sextet or a septet but they said,
“Nah…We’ve always sung as a quartet with supertight harmony but
maybe we’ll do more scat vocals together like the Andrew Sisters or
make like Bruce Springsteen and add a saxaphone playing sideman and
get more soulful.” Songstress Barbara Streissand autographed my A
Star Is Born soundtrack album. My Sanyo turntable has nice
stereophonic sound but I broke my stylus.
Got an
autographed spacesuit from
Alan Shepard who told me it was from one of his spacewalks but that
it had shrunk on him after he got it wet during a splashdown. And the
shah of Iran once brought antique Persian silverware from the
Sassanid dynasty.
NBA swingman
Sidney ‘Sid the
Squid’ Montcrief autographed a Spalding basketball for me. Hockey
great Stan Mikita, after teaching me his stickhandling moves and
slapshot technique, gave me a pair of skates he wore in ’61 when he
won the Stanley Cup. Baseball slugger Dick Stuart, Dr. Strangeglove
the sportswriters called him, was here and left me his Red Sox
stirrups. He bragged, ‘I could hit southpaws and righties whether
they threw spitballs, sliders, slurves, sinkers, or whatever. I kept
the scoreboard guy busy even if it was Sandy Koufax or Mel
Stottlemyre pitching.’ Mr. superathlete kept it up boasting, ‘After
facing me, scrubeenie pitchers had to go back to playing stickball
and stoopball back home.’”
Shamir then
warned, “Many will
doubt your soundness of mind suggesting you are straddling the line
between sanity and insanity.” Holmes answered, “Bah to the snotty
fools and this world which has spun off course with no shortage of
shocking headlines…true and not concocted by a
Skinhead With
Scattergun Goes On Rampage At Synagogue’
Forcibly Sodomizes
Youngster During Spelunking Expedition’
Superjet. En Route To Scandinavia Diverted To Senegal.’
Shakeout at Skincare
Giant’…….Their new sunscreen was found to exacerbate seborrhea,
(when the sebaceous glands secrete too much oil) and cause scabies
and more intense sunburn as well!
*GMOs Causing
Superweeds Which Are
Overwhelming Many Seedlings
*At Statehouse
Elsewhere---Stevedores, Skycaps, Stonemasons, Steelworkers, and
Steamfitters All Picket. Strikebreakers Beaten Up.”
toasted…SKOAL! then Holmes
said, “Misakman my sterling chap of great sand and grit, tell our
backers about sportive old Skippy and that we found no abominable
snowmen. I entrust you to sublease my place to Watson who hates his
studio and hasn’t yet bought that choice sublot within the
subdivision out in the suburbs he’s mentioned. There’s nothing in
my lease which says I can’t sublet to a subtenant.”
I agreed and
headed back
stateside, but burnt out I played my Slingerland drum set banging the
skins for days mimicking the stylings of Sib Hashian, Ringo Starr,
and Clyde Stubblefield and trying out my new swish cymbal.
Reenergized I got into a speedwriting mode and dashed off and even
spellchecked this Letter S passage with supreme care just for you!
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